Adding Stock To My Tank - Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2012
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Hi guys - me again. Since im new to this whole game I would like some suggestions/ideas for the next stock for my tank. My tank is 4 ft approx 180 litres. My tank has been running for a month now and all the levels are fine. I have bogwood, plants and caves.

Currently I have -
pearl gourami pair (male/female)
flame dwarf gourami pair (male/female)
5 clown loaches (I know the tank is too small for these fully grown, but I will upgrade my tank in due course).

I recently got rid of my common plec as I feel it will get too large for my tank too quickly.

So basically what I need to know is what nice additions can I have to the tank? I would like something that replaces the common plec, and anything else that will look good and be compatible. I am not really keen on the smaller shoaling fish like tetra but am open to ideas.

Thank you :nod:
There's a thread listing the smaller plec species stickied in the plec forum that might help you in choosing a replacement for your common.

How about Congo tetras? I keep mine in a 180l and they're lovely fish; a bit bigger and more striking than the usual tetras.
Thank you guys. I'll check the recommended plecs on the sticky. The congo tetras look great, just googled them. All the advice I have read is not to keep barbs with the gourami as they are likely to nip?
It's only some species of barb that are nippy; filament barbs aren't known for it in particular.

My mum has some, and while the male chases the females around a lot, he never does any harm, and they share their tank with an angel who has never been nipped by the barbs.
It's only some species of barb that are nippy; filament barbs aren't known for it in particular.

My mum has some, and while the male chases the females around a lot, he never does any harm, and they share their tank with an angel who has never been nipped by the barbs.

indeed so. which is why i suggested them! :good: that and having them in my community tank.
I have been reading online/books and I am interested in getting a pair of bolivian rams (male/female)- would they be suitable?
With that set up and that massive tank bolivian rams should be no problem at all. I have two bolivian rams in my 30" with bleeding heart tetras and corys and they dont bug anyone but each other.

Just make sure that if they breed you have the proper resources as any fish that approaches them will be attacked.

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