Just Started Cycling My 29 Gallon Tank! Recommendations/tips Pleas

Im not sure thats why im asking for advise. I thought you had to add in all your stock after a fishless cycle otherwise the excess bacteria would die off. Would you advise just adding the tetras first, then a week after add the Corys?
That's exactly what I'd recommend. Keep your redosing to 1ppm and wait until you've got consistent zero readings for ammonia and nitrite in (probably) less than 12 hrs and steadily increasing nitrate.

Although the idea is that because you cycle at an elevated ammonia level you can immediately add all you stock, it doesn't mean you have to. By keeping the dose low and adding less fish to start you'll avoid the possibility of a mini-cycle occuring after the fish have been added. So, as you say, tetras first, corys a week after and the gourami a week after that. The bacteria will go dormant, they don't die, so they'll pick up where theey left off (although with a delay possibly). You just need to keep an eye on your water parameters, just to be sure, after you add any fish.
I'd go higher than 1ppm before adding fish. I'd go at least to 2ppm, maybe even 3ppm before introducing fish. With your bacteria clearing 1ppm in 12 hours, you don't have to worry about the wrong type of bacteria. These usually show up at 5+ppm. You won't have to worry about that. Just increase the dose by 0.5ppm and hold it there until it clears in 12 hours. Then increase the does another 0.5ppm.

The larger the dose, the less likely a spike is after the big water change and the addition of fish. I agree with going with a smaller initial stocking, but I lean on the side of caution with the dose. Having a more robust colony is more beneficial to me than perhaps to others. I'd go at least to 2ppm.
The larger the dose, the less likely a spike is after the big water change and the addition of fish.

Not true, it's just the opposite, but I'm too tired out by snazy's questioning in another thread to address it now. Tomorrow perhaps. But I'll repeat, keep the dose low, definitely no more than 2ppm and preferably 1ppm. But as a quickie you should know that the AOB that you actually want are starting to get inhibited by the ammonia at the levels you're talkking about, so not good.
I'm willing to learn new things, but I haven't heard about anything as low as 2ppm being a problem for the bacs. On the other hand I have heard over 5ppm being an issue. I have read that lower levels are best for their reproduction, but the levels that they reproduce best doesn't really allow for much of an initial stocking safely. As far as nitrite, I know that the ideal for growth is about 0.14ppm, but that isn't really practical for a fishless cycle.

If this is true, I think adding 1ppm twice a day would be better before adding fish than just going for it at 1ppm. Like I said before, I like more head room before adding fish to the tank.
Allright so as im waiting to check the water what are some food/ eating recommendations you guys would recommend. I want some examples of some feeding regimes and what brands you guys like the most.
I feed 6 times a week. Fast one day. I feed frozen peas about once a week. Sometimes I forget. I feed frozen bloodworms every week or two. I feed flake, pellets and wafers.
I use TetraMin flake, Wardley Shrimp pellets, Hikari Algae wafers.

I don't recommend any brand over another. Some here do.
Cheers!!! My tank has finally finished cycling!! it has been clearing the ammonia and nitrite both in 12 hours for the last 4 days! I think i may go out and get my Bleeding hearts today, but will sure get some plants today. Thank you all very much that helped especially you eagle, you are the man!

Ill post some photos of the tank real fast without plants. Also i have to add a black background.


Allright ive had my 8 bleeding hear tetras for about 30 hours now an all seems fine. My parameters are 0 and 0 have not checked nitrates yet. I did not feed them the night i put them in, But i tried to feed them 24 hours after that point and they wouldn't eat there new life spectrum pellets. My guess is they may have been stressed because it was the first time i ever turned on the light over head. I put in a very small amount about an hour later some of the fish started to pick at them on the sand bed. Ill try flake food later today and see how that goes.
After feeding flake today the fish only semi ate them as they were falling to the bottom. Is this normal? Is there any tricks to get them to the top? Alot of times when they suck it in they just spit it back out, its hard to tell if them have eaten any of it.

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