Bolivian Rams For 29Gal (110L)


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Carlsbad, California
Allright guys i posted this in the new tank section but only recived one reply and i would like to see what more people think about it. Currently i have 8 bleeding heart tetras, and 6 pepper corries. I Keep my water temp around 76-77F (24.5-25c) my PH is 8.0 and is very hard. I want to add a bolivian ram as my last fish. I was advised by oni to get two of them. You guys have any advice on this? and what would be the best way to try and pick out two?
A male and female would be your best bet. Your pH is ridiculously high, bolivian rams are hardy and should be fine with it with proper acclimatization. Even if you get two of a same sex, they'll be alright, they just won't really pair.

The males tend to have longer more pointed fins, and are supposedly slightly more colorful.

It'd be best to get two of similar size, aside from that, it's similar to picking out any other fish, just make sure they seem healthy and such.
Would they be tank-raised or wild?

Your pH is high, but also they thrive in very soft water... Wild ones likely wouldn't do well in that water, unfortunately. I'm not exactly sure how well tank-raised would do, as it's a pretty big shift in their natural preferences.

I think that certain Rainbowfish would a better choice overall - they'll likely thrive more.

I've also read of certain killifish doing OK in hard, alkaline water but can't recall which.
That would certainly help... but I still hesitate because of the significant difference. :/

Do you have a bunch of plants and the like?

Have you had people tell you about success with Rams in similar water conditions?
That would certainly help... but I still hesitate because of the significant difference. :/

Do you have a bunch of plants and the like?

Have you had people tell you about success with Rams in similar water conditions?
Bolivian rams are much less picky about water quality than german blue rams. They'd likely adapt to the pH pretty well. They're really tough fish. I kept mine in 7.8 pH fine.
Onidrase - was your water "very hard?"

If that's the case, and others have kept them successfully in those conditions, I'd say give it a shot, gdoggy, with Rams that were tank-raised in your area.
Onidrase - was your water "very hard?"

If that's the case, and others have kept them successfully in those conditions, I'd say give it a shot, gdoggy, with Rams that were tank-raised in your area.
I live in an area where it's hot and dry 80% of the year 6000 feet above sea level. my water is harder than rock. :lol: As long as the rams are used to the water in the area, they'll be fine.

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