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  1. S

    100% Water Change

    please invest in a larger tank and at least 1 more cory
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    And Portugal Are Through...

    englands amazing perfomances never seace to amaze me, well done guys :no:
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    My Frogs

    no i read up on them and i know the lps sells crickets and various bugs but i cat really keep the frogs in these conditions for long so they have to go lol
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    My Frogs

    couple of pics before i set them free (dont know what to feed them, tank to small and too warm for them)
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    Feeding Ring

    that would mean spending money :fun: good idea though :good:
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    Bronze Cory Babies

    congratulations i dont think mine have fully reached maturity yet :(
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    Injured Cory?

    did you notice what else was being kept in the tank at the lfs corys are peaceful amongst them selves
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    My Fishy Pictures!

    russel the mussel :D i likes sir Hiss
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    New Cories

    gorgeous little fish, now i want more :(
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    is the tank in direct sunlight at any time of the day ?
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    Cheesiest Tank Award

    hahahaah love that
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    Bit Of A Gravel Dilema

    damn so you live in the states heres a plan, large fishing net put a couple handfull's of the old gravel in this switch to new gravel but leave the net in the tank for a week or 2 then you can easily reove it along with the old gravel
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    Stocking My Tank, Mainly Compabity Questions?

    vastly and move the goldfish asap thier coldwater fish
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    Tank Capacity i use that one
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    Filter Sponges

    what type of filter have you got black sponge could well be a carbon sponge and not totally necicary for the tank,
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    Bit Of A Gravel Dilema

    id say yes about re-colanising bacteria, could you use any of the old substrate underneath to speen the process up also where did you get the large ornemental ruins :drool:
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    Fish Highway / Fish Bridges / Fish Towers

    thats an amazing idea, ill edit the title to towers too :hey: , need some clear pipe now hehe
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    Tanks A Lot

    lovely tanks people keep em coming
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    My Trigon 350

    really nice tank and fine array of fish :)
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    Friendliest Fish?

    my best friend (fish wise) is my female betta who will take bloodworms from my finger tips and follow my finger whens shes in the right mood, shes also incredibly friendsly towards the other fish and occasionally hangs out with the cory's
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    Anyone Got 10k?

    i think id replace a wall in my house with it or stretch it through 2 rooms cutting through the wall think id keep a betta in it :lol:
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    Sorry, Got Another One With Piccies..

    gorgeous i can only find VT's :(
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    Nice Inverts

    rudolph red nose cool
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    Common Frogs

    does anyone keep any common garden frogs in tanks i managed to catch 3 very small baby today and put them in a 2 gallon ill chuck them back in a couple of hours but there so cool, one just climbed up the wall then jumped and landed at the other end of the tank, thier water sits at 27C though...
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    Do You Use Magnetic Algae Scrapers?

    mine works a treat just watch when cleaning around the substrate ive heard stories of them picking up sand/small gravel and leaving heavy scores across the glass
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    Which Cories?

    as above bronze and albinos are good hardy fish that provide hours of entertainment
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    Genius Goldfish

    hahaah sound is a must for that clip
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    Anyone Got 10k?

    swimming pool 8)
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    Super simple 5 minute sponge filter

    ive at last done one just to aid filteration works a treat though if particles ever get blown around by the corys you can see some of them getting sucked doubt its full of sand though :rolleyes:
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    woooooooooooow nice close 8)
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    Pictures Of My 30 Gallon Community And 8 Gallon Dp Tank

    love the dp's i saw some for the first time today didnt realise they were that small :blink:
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    Warning Do Not Open If You Are Easily Offended

    seen a link to that somewhere else :sick:
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    Does Your Partner Like Your Tank?

    gf has no interest and turns off when i start to tell her abot a new fish............oh well
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    Sand In A Tropical Tank

    i use sand, argos sand £2.49 for 15kg's just wash it thoughrly in a bucket first otherwise you will have cloudy water for weeks
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    Real Plants

    i started off with builders merchant 5m pea gravel give it a gave it a good wash and dropped it in the tank in the end i switched to sand but one of my smaller tanks still has pea gravel
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    Where To Buy Tropical Fish

    have a look around in larger pet shops or big garden centres, check your local phone book / yellow pages for specific fish shops
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    Corydoras Substrate Question

    personally i would go for sand when i first got the cory they had round gravel a couple of days later i switched to sand looks so much better IMO and they love it
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    Mad Albino Cory

    my albinos do this occasionally i think i bout the bronze ones fully grown they soon settled in and stay on the bottom the yourger albinos explore and sometimes ventures around the mid regions
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    How Quick Do They Grow?

    yay for the addition of cory's, what variety did you get? mine hav'nt really changed in size and ive had them 2/3 months if that