Tanks A Lot

I really like your flyers ! But you know that already ! How the fry coming along ?

there coming along great. i had a little delemas when quite a few died overnight for no apparent rason, water was fine, temp was fine, still got about 100 left and i think that these will live... about ___ this big now..
2 weeks and a bit old....

Tank Size: 101cmx73cmx41cm

1 Red-Tailed Black Shark
1 Convict Cichlid
1 Kribensis Cichlid
1 Pictus Catfish
1 Clown Panaque
1 (Unidentified) Plec (20cm)
2 Angel Fish
3 Discus Tetras

Juwel Standard Internal Filter Block,
FLuval 204 External Filter

Juwel Rio Standard Lighting

Black 'pets@home' Gravel (very fine)

Amazon Swords,
Cardamine lyrata
Echinodorus parviflorus
Echinodorus uruguayensis
Many more...
hmm.. well my tanks aren't much but oh well


2 Blood Parrots
2 Plecos
2 cory cats
(yes, I know... over stocked..)

Emperor 280

White Aquarium Sand

Plastic and Silk

Also 100 watt heater and bubble wall w/ air pump of course

This one for some reason I didn't get a picture of the tank but here are the fish.



1 Red Top Oranda
1 Calico Oranda
1 Black Moor
2 Cray fish

Penn Plax Cascade 150

Aquarium Gravel

Plastic and Silk

Also Air stone and Air Pump

And here is one of my Betta tanks. The others are empty.



1 Male VT Betta
1 Large Snail

Penn Plax Sponge Filter

Aquarium Gravel

here's mine with my loverly weather loach, he's awsome!!!!!
i know i'm overstocked but it's getting sorted with the goldies going out side into pond and a 3' and 4' tank on the way!!!
any way here it is...
a few of my ledgendary loach!!!





a few varios of my other fishies!



and the whole tank...



i am currently changing the gravel to sand as u might see?
but the tank has changed a lot since then!!!
it's now looking natural with live plants and driftwood and a move around of rocks etc

6 gold fish
7 danios
1 weather loach
1 hara hara?
i know i'm well over stocked. :/

fluval 2 plus
air pump
soon some good lights!


7 sm pecies of slate
a few round pebbles
silk plant
plastic plant
java moss
java fern
artifical root

hope u enjoy!


Tank Size: 180 US Gallons

Occupants: Oscar, Severum, Chalceus, Black Ghost Knife, 6 Convicts, 6 Silver Dollars, 2 x Bala Sharks and a Common Plec

Filtration: 2 x Magi Flo Internal Filters. 1000lph each.

Lighting: Single 48" strip

Substrate: Sand

Plants: Mostly Eaten

Other Equipment: 2 x 300 watt heaters, 1 x powerhead, Moonlight Spotlights


(Old Photo)

Tank Size: 80 US Gallons

Occupants: 2 x Angel Fish, 2 x Rainbow Fish, 13 Neon Tetras, 5 Black Neon Tetras, 4 Black Widow tetras, 4 Long Finned Tetras, 4 x Dwarf Gouramis, 1 x Pearl Gourami, 1 x Red Tail Black Shark, 5 Bronze Corys, 2 Cory Juli, 1 x 10" Plec, 1 x 5" plec

Filtration: 1 x Magi Flo Internal Filters. 1000lph.

Lighting: Single 48" strip

Substrate: Gravel

Plants: Lots

Other Equipment: 2 x 300 watt heaters, Moonlight Spotlights


Tank Size: 55 Gallons

Occupants: African Cichlids

Filtration: 1 x Fluval 4 Internal Filter

Lighting: 2 x 36" strips

Substrate: Crushed Coral

Plants: Mostly Eaten

Other Equipment: 1 x 300 watt heaters
THanks for your tank input sam , looks really good,

And also everyone else, you tanks are great ! :hyper:

Keep the tanks coming guys, this needs to be pinned ! :good:

I am sorting out pics of my tank, should have some one in the next 2 days or so ! :D
OK here we go

from the biggest down, my tanks and the one me and Ian got together...... all together now ............. :sick: :lol:

Tank Size: 80g

Occupants: Oscar, Parrot Fish, Firemouth chiclid

Filtration: Fluval404

Lighting: 2 normal and 2 blue bulbs, fittins that came with the tank

Substrate: sand

Plants: bit of java fern, teeny bit of cabomba I have no idea how it's still alive and some java moss coming tonight. Struggle with planting and my Oscar but I'm working on it!

Other Equipment: Heater and air stone.

Not happy with this tank at the moment really, just find it a bit boring (not the fish, they're great, just decor) I'm experimenting with plants at the moment, things that can be tied down or those japanese moss balls, once I've sorted what I can get to grow in there then I can plan out what to do with the rest of it. Got some more stones in since these pics as well. Current thoughts are loads of really tall bits of bogwood so there's interest to the top of the tank. A Buddha head, covered a bit in java moss so it looks a bit more natural. Ian's not keen on the idea but screw him! ha ha ha
so anyway, any suggestions would be much appreciated. aquascaping's not my strong point!








Tank Size: 30ish g

Occupants: 2 dwarf gourami's, 2 opaline gourami's, 2 rams, 5 apistogramma cacatuoides, 5 cory julii, 1 raphael catfish

Filtration: internal fluval, not sure what no.?

Lighting: one 4 foot tube

Substrate: fine ish gravel, contemplating a change to sand

Plants: java fern, cabomba, vallis, wisteria, amazon sword.... some other's I don't know the name off

Other Equipment: heater

My slightly aggressive community tank, again some old pics, some of the plants in the pics turned out to not be properly aquatic and are dying :sad: so when I get a bit of spare cash I'm popping some more in, aside from a bit of tweaking on the planting I'm quite happy with this one at the moment.






Tank Size: 30ish g

Occupants: 6 lamprologus daffodils

Filtration: eheim external something or other (you may have guessed by now, the technology is not my strong point!)

Lighting: one 4 foot tube

Substrate: sand

Plants: shed loads of cabomba, wisteria, vallis, amazon swords and crypto's

Other Equipment: that's it. heating's in the eheim filter

Our Tang tank, it's stacked under the other 30g. Ian's really taking charge of the aquascaping on this one, we need more caves and hiding places, stocking's not done yet either, were after traking down some sort of catfish from lake tanganayika (sp) to go in there and some compressiceps to keep the fry down when the daffy's start breeding. Only had it a month or so and there's a fair bit of work to do.






right, then there's the little tank but I just re-arranged that yesterday and I'm getting more plants for it tonight so I'll get some pics in a day or two and put them up.

Then soon I'm getting Ian's 2 tanks moved into mine so that's a little betta tank and a big 220l angel tank. I can't wait.

Oh and also were contemplating a marine tank too.

**goes off to find MTS anonymous website**

View attachment 37109Hiya, this is my trigon 350 tank, standard jewel filter and lighting, community tank, probably could list all the fish if i could sit in front of the tank for an hour, lol, still got more things to do with the tank like get alot more plants, but its starting to look how i wont it to now.

0______0 you have my dream tank!
i want this tank - i want to fill it with smallish community fish - i love alot to look at! it looks stunning, well done!
Tank Size: 12 uk gallon (getting a 20+ in a few weeks yeay!!)


Fish: Golden barb, Cory, Khuli, platy, tetra, Dwarf Gourami, Danio
Critter: Apple, Ramshorn,Nerite snails 1 mussel.

Filtration: filter that came with the tank

Lighting: light that came with the tank

very fine white gravel.

Plants: java fern, wendtii crypt, banana plant - 2 unknown plants. - a few plastics

Other Equipment: all natural ornaments (rocks, mopani wood etc) - airstone - heater

Ok, Its my turn I sorted out some pics finally

Tank Size: Juwel Rekord 96 Litre
Occupants: 1 Angel , 3 Golden Gouramis, 5 Inch pleo, 2 neon tetra's,

Filtration: Juwel Internal filter and eheim 60 litre internal filter
Lighting: 18 W Juwel Light bulb(standard)
Substrate: Pea Gravel with river stones
Plants: Think they are amazom swords

Other Equipment:

Mr Pleco

This Tank is gonna be getting a good redo soon, just dont have the money for it now, so its fine as it is.

Tank no 2

Tank Size: Juwel Rekord 70 Litre
Occupants: AngelFish breeder pair, gold and gold marbled

Filtration: Air driven Sponge Filter
Lighting: 15 W Juwel Light bulb(standard)
Substrate: None
Plants: None

Other Equipment:

Tank no 3

Tank Size: 140 Litre
Occupants: 2 Danios to keep the cycle going
Filtration: TetraTec 1000 Internal filter + Air driven sponge filter
Lighting: Make shift 20 watt halogen desk lamp(only use it to see when feeding)
Substrate: Pea gravel
Plants: None

Other Equipment:

Bare at the moment, gonna be getting rocks + Fish at the weekend maybe
Check the make shift carpet , I need to tidy that up a bit :D

New tetratec filter in action

Make shift lighting for the time being

And the 2 tanks ! My 6x2x2 tank is going to be going the opposite side to the tanks seen in this photo

My tanks dont look like much at all at the moment(im quite ashamed), but this is all cause of money, I am only 17 and dont have a job(lazy git), but im making money !

this is my biggest ank now with the sand and plants and wood in..
Saboy i didnt realise you were only 17, im only 15! :shout:
I also new you were young, but did not know you where 15, I was thinking about the same age as me,

Geeees, looking at the pictures of my tanks, they need some sprucing up !, I need to give the 96 litre a scrub from all that livescale and crap
great tanks saboy , i will be posting some soon once this bluetooth dongle is sorted ,,,

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