Friendliest Fish?


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Ipswich, Uk
Just out of curiosity what has been your
friendliest fish (towards you)

My Platys are so friendly they come out of 'their plant' to see me when i come to the glass
(more than likely 'cos they want food but hey lol)

but its so cute!

The two dwarf puffers are my friendliest they swim upto the glass as soon as you walk into the room and just follow you around the room up and down the tank they also eat from your hand and are just so dammmmm cute!!!!
Havnt experienced an oscar, but theyre the friendliest by far.

For me its got to be corries!
Discus, defintiely discus. They all rush to the front of the glass to say hello when I walk in the room. AND they blow kisses at me through the glass! and wave their little fin-hands at me!
Erm, OK, but really, they do seem to be really freindly.
Just out of curiosity what has been your
friendliest fish (towards you)

My Platys are so friendly they come out of 'their plant' to see me when i come to the glass
(more than likely 'cos they want food but hey lol)

but its so cute!


My kuods to the cory cats, neons, paradisefish, male betta and severums (and many other large cichlids).
For me it's my angels... ...always come to the front of the glass when I come into the room, constantly 'begging' for food (geedy buggers :hey: ) and will take food from my hand!

My old betta was also freindly... ..has was also pretty daft, always in the way during tank maintenance!

Unfreindlist fish I have ever seen..... .....snakehead, nasty!

my best friend (fish wise) is my female betta who will take bloodworms from my finger tips and follow my finger whens shes in the right mood, shes also incredibly friendsly towards the other fish and occasionally hangs out with the cory's
Oscar without any doubt, he gets dead excited when ytou go up to the tank, eats from your hand and will let you stroke him (unless he's hungry and thinks your fingers are food :rolleyes: )
For me it would be my clown loaches, they love taking food from my hand and also my big angel.

Other fish ive fed would definately no doubt about it be Tyre track and fire eels
my tiger barbs are extremly friendly towards my other fish
Depends on what you call friendly. My fire eel and tire track will eat out of my hands but the tire track is still skiddish. The lungfish knows when its time to eat. It floats at the top and waits for food. Drop it on him and he chomps. Though hes not friendly to other stuff really

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