Which Cories?


Fish Addict
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Bucks UK

I recently sold on my 3 silver sharks who were living in my community tank, which now houses:

2 angels
1 opaline gourami
7 neons
5 red phantoms
3 harlequinns
2 zebra loaches
1 balloon molly
2 female guppies
and a plec..

Now I'm going to increase the neon shoal, but would also maybe consider a few cories...

...Just wandering what type, if any, would suit this community best?

Im not sure if you have the room in that tank (if its the 30 gallon), especially with the common plec and if you increase the Neon school, but I always recommend the Bronze and Albino C. Aeneus. They are hardy and one of my most favorite cories. They are very social and the bigger the group, the better off they will be and the more you will see them.
Cheers, it's the 40 gallon by the way.

I'll re-home the plec when he's a little bigger.

Just bought 7 more neons, and my partner loves albino cories, but i must admit i prefer the peppered variety.

We'll probably wait until we move, as that's when I want to change the substrate to sand, which is better for cories isn't it?

What are the largest available cories?
Cheers, it's the 40 gallon by the way.

I'll re-home the plec when he's a little bigger.

Just bought 7 more neons, and my partner loves albino cories, but i must admit i prefer the peppered variety.

We'll probably wait until we move, as that's when I want to change the substrate to sand, which is better for cories isn't it?

What are the largest available cories?

Cories probably prefer sand over gravel. However, you can use gravel that is small and that does not have any sharp edges. Big gravel with sharp edges can cause the cory to lose its barbels and in return it will get a bacterial infection that could be fatal.

If you are looking for "big" cories, then you might want to consider the Brochis Splendons. They technically are not part of the Corydoras species, but they look just like them. Here is a picture of 2 of my B. Splendons with a Bronze C. Aeneus:


Also, peppered cories are one of the bigger cory species as well. There is an albino variety, but they are hard to find. The Bronze cories can get to around 3" and the peppereds to around 2.8."

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