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  1. S

    New Cories

    gorgeous, must look out for some orange lazers
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    Extreme Makeover!

    very nice indeed :good:
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    need to take into consideration thier mature height as the tank has to be 2 maybe 3 times higher than them or so im led to belive
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    Betta Splendens

    with regards to the water temp and the above air temp they should be roughly the same, i read if the betta is gulping at cooler air for long periods of time they can develope pneumonia
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    Bloody Weather

    i got utterly soaked to the bone running from my car to the train station..........about 20paces nearly 2inches of water in some areas of the carpark too! fingers crossed its nothing major
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    Day And Night

    very nice tank there 8)
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    My Tank/fish Pics

    stunning, great work :good:
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    Bottom Dwelling Fish

    corys, mine used to be bottom dwellers untill i added more dimensions to the tank now there everywhere :lol:
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    Hideous Fish Bowl!

    no thanks
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    My 55gallon Semi-planted

    really like the tank but i have to say the poor little cory would be alot happier with a smoother substrate
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    Cory Cat Pictures

    love your corys almost as much as mine :good:
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    Finally Happy With My Big Tanks Layout.

    lovely set out tank there and wowsers hadnt a clue silver dollars grew that big
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    Is It Real?

    the second looks like one of the deep sea ones havnt a clue on its name
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    One Eyed Neon

    goooooood was hoping for a reply like that still seems fine even had a bite to eat this morning so ill just keep my fingers crossed it doesnt get infected over the next few weeks
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    Lets See Some Of Your Goldfish Tanks And Goldfish

    appologies for my pictures dissapearing, the fish have 2 i realised my 3g tank was far to small so moved them to the outside pond the shubunkin is doing fine and has almost doubled in size, so im glad i moved him i will try get a photo of him when thier next fed
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    One Eyed Neon

    i emmediatly (sp) moved her into a 3 gallon the day it happened
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    Fish In The Bathroom Sink

    the betta can live unfiltered just make sure you do a water change every couple of days to keep him in tip top condition
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    Missing Eye

    keep an eye on the female betta i re-homed mine to another tank after she removed a neons eye, all lived happily together for sevral months beforehand
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    i use a small dropper to blast them right infront of the fishes nose
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    Adding Tetras

    i added 10 at once with no problems, i would go with the above though if its a new setup and theres only one inhabitant so far
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    Top Level Fish

    white cloud mountain minnows, i bought some penguin tetras the other day they seem to stick around the surface
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    Fish With Legs

    i thought of this when i saw the title...... saw one on an old ambulane the other day
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    Just Got

    how long have you had the tank running? did you cycle it? id sugest some corydoras exellent bottom dwellers providing hours of entertainment
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    One Eyed Neon

    the other day my female betta turned a shade of grey removing one of my neons eyes, at the time he/she was very skittish and jerky a few days later all is fine but the single eye easily dissorientates the poor fish i turned the light on to check they were okay and it was upsidown couple of...
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    Problem With Male Fighting Fish

    up untill a few days ago i had a female in my community tank then she turned nasty overnight betta's are best kept alone
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    Lizard In The Grass

    i caught a tiny little lizard while digging potatoes today
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    Me New Tank

    lovely tank removing the background made all the difference :)
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    Newbies Setup

    ow i really want some guppys run out of room though :(
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    My Tank (not Finished Yet)

    i likes that alot :)
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    New Corys

    ahaha never seen it come out the other end and the new corys are still alot braver than the originals i just love the way they fly to the surface but they dont seem to do it as often now :(
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    Working At A Pet Store

    its quite scary what people will keep in confined spaces my nan still keeps 2 large goldfish in an unfilterd 5gallon......recently upgraded from a 2.5G
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    All My Tanks!

    lovely collection there :)
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    My Water Bridge Project Is Completed Plus A Tower

    superb! i still need to find somewhere locally with transparent tubing
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    Underwater Photos

    very nice pics wish my cam could do that
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    New Puffer

    gorgeous any plans on tank mates?
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    Upload Your Cichlid Tanks Here

    some beautiful tanks people, now i really want some yellow labs :-(
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    Yellow Labs

    yeah ill wait till ive got a larger tank and maybe just stick to a group of labs there so kool B) thanks for the advice :good:
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    What In The Unholy Heck Is This?

    me no like, i found a wierd dead buggy moth thing today picked it up and hid it behind my back then threw it at my gf at which point it took off and flew into a cobweb haha
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    Random Question

    one of my corys is doing it now but not surfacing anothers joined him now :S
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    Yellow Labs

    okay thanks is there any other fish i can put in there or would it have to be a species tank full stop would shellies go with labs ?