Bottom Dwelling Fish


Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2006
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I have a well planted 20 gallon tank which currently holds 10 Harlequin Rasboras and I am looking for some bottom dwelling fish to add to them. I was thinking of Kuhli loaches but does anyone else and any ideas of some nice fish I could add? What are your favourite smaller bottom dwelling fish?
Black kuhli loaches - they stay small, and mine at least are active all day long!
My cories aren't really bottom dwellers. They're all over the place, constantly swimming up and around the tank. :)
Corys all the way for me - constantly on the go, love being together as a group, every morning they do a line up along the whole front of the tank (dunno what that's about, but it's hilarious).
Talking catfish :) - either with spots or stripes - just be careful about hiding places or you will end up not seeing it - mine is stuck in my bogwood and never comes out - I havent seen it for ages except when I move the wood to check it is still alive.
These fish actually croak, it's pretty cool - if you hold it out the water when netting it out of the bag you will hear it clearly.
I have a school of 9 Harlequins with 2 albino corys and 3 panda corys. It's odd, but the corys stay in their own schools. The albinos are pretty busy, while the pandas hide most of the time.
Cories would be fine, they prefer a shoal of six. Cories do swim about but they mostly prefer the bottom of the tank and usually eat on the substrate, they prefer a bit of sand to grub about in.

As there is loach in your name maybe you would like some dwarf loachs (bothia sidthimunki) they have almost as much character as clown loaches in a very small size 5.5 cm. I like them as the clowns grow so big I don’t feel comfortable keeping them unless I had a very big tank. If you have at least 5 or more you will see lots of them they are very active and fun and are not nocturnal, you can usually tell them one from another as their markings are different.
I have 4 albino cories and they're spastic! I love them. They dart all over the tank, mostly bottom dwelling, but they like to play tag with my albino danios. I think the danios think the cories are their kids, they're pretty protective of them.
I would say Cory's or a dozen ghost shrimp. Shrimp are very interesting to have in your tank because they are just all over the place and they never sleep! Shrimp will hardly make a dent in your bioload too.

I have 4 Cory's and 4 Ghost Shrimp with a sand substate and I have a very active bottom in my tank. Cory's are very entertaining with a sand substrate as they love to dig with their nose in the sand. My one pepper cory I got yesterday almost buries half his face in the sand! Very charming fish.

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