Missing Eye


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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Hello All. Today when I was looking at the fish I noticed one of my Sterbai Cories was missing an eye :no:

He seems to be eating normal and schooling with the other two as normal. I just wondered how on earth a fish could lose an eye.

I'm not sure if he was attacked, or if that's a form of an attack :/ no clue here
can u send us any pic
by the way is there any other kind of fish with it???
got no pics here. it's now just a red spot in it's place

he lives with these

black sailfin molly
some lepoard pleco
gold gourami
6 rainbows
4 siamese algae eaters
4 clown loaches
female betta
3 black skirt tetras
2 platys
2 pakistani loaches
I wouldn't have thought any of those would do that to him but it is a very comon form of attack. A fish can't see = a fish can't fight. It's the perfect thing to go for when fighting. Oscars (for example) are quite aggressive fish and you always find them with missing eyes leaving big unsightly scar down their faces. I'd watch the tank for a bit to see if he's coming into contact with any of the others
keep an eye on the female betta i re-homed mine to another tank after she removed a neons eye, all lived happily together for sevral months beforehand

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