All My Tanks!


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
Urbana, IL
first up are both of my 55g tanks. they r on a stackable black iron stand. both tanks r done in black, and r both fitted with coralife PC's.

top 55g.

2 wild caught blue gill

bottom 55g is also planted but not completly.
it houses
10 neons, 4 scissor tails, 3 spotted corys,2 panda corys, and 2 green corys, also i have a comet in there and 3 mollys. thereis also a common pleco runnin around down there.

heres the tanks b4 i added some new stuff to the bluegill tank.

and here is the tank after the new stuff was added.

next up is my 75g tank.
this tank has only 1 live plant in it, and thats a little java moss plant.

houses 11 african cichlids, 5 red zebras and 6 yellow labs.
heres the tank b4 i added more rock.

and here is the tank fter the fish got more hiding places! :)

next up is my 120g which in the pitures its not complete.

it houses 8 tiger bars, 2 blue gourami, 2 yellow gourami,4 paradise gourami and 2 of these other gourami which i forgot there breed. tank also has an L-18 and 2 common plecos. there are also 4 clown loaches in the tank.
fully planted with 4 pieces of driftwood and a plant supplement under the gravel(forgot the name)


those r all the tanks i have pictures of. i have 2 29s and 1 houses a painter turtle and the other has a small needle nose in it. my 10g is in my g/f's apt with her fish.

feel free to input ur own opinions!

i will get recent pics of the 120g soon.

thanks for looking

I have to say that both of your 55 gallon tanks look very nice at first. But when you fixed it around it looks much better. But the bottom tank looks almost the same. But the top had much change. Also your other tanks look lovely. It must be some work maintaining those tanks -_-
Thank you everyone!!

yea the tanks are a handful when it comes time to clean gravel and do water changes. but hey. it gets done and they keep on looking great.

Rafael Dilone- in the first pic the top 55g only had 1 bluegill in it. the reason why the bottom tank stayed pretty much the same was because it is so hard to work on or in that tank. there is only about a 4 inch gap in between the stand and the top of the tank. thank you though!!

theres what both of the 55's looked like with the africans up top and the bottom bein a community tank. the africans should have been with those rocks in the bottom 55g. i would show off this pic and no one would understand why the tanks were st up like they were. i simply did not want to tear apart the top 55g. and plus i had to empty and scoot out the bottom 55g to take that bridge out under those rocks cause that bridge is like the main base for all of those. now all of that is in the 75g with the africans. and well.. they love there new tank!!
120g is just a mess with ick and my biggest piece of wood still wont sink.

so it doesnt look to great rght now. got the sickness under control.

im just embarassed about it untill i can get that wood to stay down.

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