Bloody Weather

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Just got home from work and we've had about 4 thuderstorms today, 3 of my fish tank lights we're flickering all over the place, so I turned them off and now they don't turn on at all and also one of my filters isn't working :angry:

With the lights, will the just the bulb need replacing or the whole lighting unit all together?


Crappy, sh**ty English bloody weather :angry:
Are you sure it's not something to do with the starter that plugs into the lighting unit? Or if none of them are working maybe it's a fuse if you're using an extension lead?
Check your fuse box first. If other things in the room are running now and your filter and lights aren't, it's possible that your equipment got fried/shorted. I hope that's not the case for you.
Crappy, sh**ty English bloody weather :angry:
:lol: Try your tropical / sub-tropical countries where you have daily summer thunderstorms ! And there summer lasts just a bit longer than in the UK ;)

It could be the starter units that have gone. Are these stand alone starters or are they part of a tank unit ? (Such as the Juwel tank ballast) ?
i got utterly soaked to the bone running from my car to the train station..........about 20paces nearly 2inches of water in some areas of the carpark too!

fingers crossed its nothing major
Well, after a hecktic evening with no dinner pretty much everything is back up again.. the sub-station had got hit by a bolt of lightening so they where running our power on a reduced level, meaning that there wasn't enough power for the lights to run and only have a trickle in the filters. However, it has fused one of my aerators (like a massive airstone) and has also blown the start unit in one of my lights, meaning that will need to be replaced so not quite as bad as I first thought - my Ceylon Puffer isn't happy with his lights going on and off though!! Bless Him :wub:

Then, i've just seen the weather and apparently it's more storms tommorow - great!

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