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    zebra danio

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    How Big Can Bettas Get?

    No its not that i dont b/l you! i think it is 1 foot i didnt say it was! um btw how big is one foot?
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    Is It Okay to have an All Female and All Male Tank

    take the babys to a lps like petsmart! they will take them! :rolleyes: congrats on the 20 new borns! :D i had one female guppy and i got her preg from the store and she went into laber 2 days after and 7 days after the laber she gave birth to 13 fry!! and 17 days after birth mommy died! but i...
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    zebra danio

    ok about a week ago i went out to stock my new 20g fish tank..... i bout 4 fish that day '1 zebra danio, 2 guppys, 1 dworf gouramie' they seem to dont fine in the tank so 2 days ago i went and bout 1 more gouramie 1 more guppy and 2 more zebra danio 'much smaller' well they are much smaller than...
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    my petsmart wont take fish back! well i have a 20g not a 29g
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    How Big Can Bettas Get?

    they look like a betta and they are in a betta bole! and my grandmas friend said they we bettas!!
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    what could i keep with my betta?

    Can you put a betta with guppys, Gouramis, or zebra Danios? :/
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    How Big Can Bettas Get?

    are you guys sher? my grandmas friend has 2 and one is REALLY REALLY BIG i am thinking about a foot!
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    No no they arnt floating belly up! When they go near each other they just start floating on there side... then chase each other but they are doing fine! :lol:
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    ok what i mean is..... are all gouramis the same? um i cant move one of my gouramis b/c i dont have a big anuff tank for tham! and my mom HATES animals sooo she wont let me get a new tank..... sooooo i guess they will just have to live with each other for now!! they dont seem to bother each...
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    Dwarf Gouramis

    HMMMM....... well i got this new 20 gallon tank and i got some new fish one gouramis and 2 guppys and 1 zebra sumthin... well they seem to be fine! and today 11/10/03 i got more zebra sumthin and 1 more guppy and nuther gouramis! they are all fine together
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    Gourami Tentacles

    OMG that is soooooooo cool! mine *elvis* i have for a few days so i dont know what he can do yet! but today i went to petsmart and got a big red one and he is named *big red*! can you tell me why when elvis gos by big red he acks like he is dead and starts floating? he also swings his body at...
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    PLEASE HELP!! :(
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    what if my fish has a gravid spot but not fat

    what kind of fish? did it just have babys?
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    Black and Silver Mollies........

    um..... i have one siver lf male molly and 1 female black molly and they seem fine together all alone with 13 guppy fry with them! he some times tryes to mate but not alot! is this becouse he only has ONE fin?
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    As i asked b4 are all the Gouramis the same? like i know they have diff colors cuz i have a neon and some sort of red that is terning neon in some spots! well how do i tell the sex? how do they mate? ok: i had on the neon one first for 1 week and just today *11/10/03* i got my red one, and we...
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    blue Gouramis

    i have one like this but he/shes got some red stripes on him/her! i aslo got s red one that is sorta terning that color blue!
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    Coral Blue Dwarf Gourami,Neon Dwarf Gourami,Sunset

    As i asked b4 are all the Gouramis the same? like i know they have diff colors cuz i have a neon and some sort of red that is terning neon in some spots! well how do i tell the sex? how do they mate? ok: i had on the neon one first for 1 week and just today *11/10/03* i got my red one, and...
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    Pop Eye, Ick, & fin rot

    well i have No other place to put the guppy fry *2 months old* and they are with the molly that has the fin rot and ick! and i have to keep puting meds into the tank for her and him to get better! we just finished doing my 20 gallon tank so it needs to sit and cycle and stuff so tell me what to...
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    Pop Eye, Ick, & fin rot

    some one tell me whats going wrong! please!
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    no gravel and fish going crazy

    i would put her back in the 40 gal, let her have her fry there and try and catch as many fry as you can and put it then the one gallon! :D
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    Advice on breeding guppies fast

    here is a awsome web site for/ about guppy and you will find every thing you need to know about then and how to get them to breed exc......' ' Also a heater is a MUST!
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    Pop Eye, Ick, & fin rot

    ok this morning i had to put one of my mollys to sleep *down* becouse she had pop eye or some hting like that it was as big as a gold fishes eye! well i put her down because i didnt have the meds to treat her and i didnt want her to suffer! and then in my other 5 gallon tank my other female...
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    i have some guppy babys becouse guppys are really easy to breed! but the sad art about haveing these guppy fry is that they remind me of there mommy! and she past away 17 days after giveing birth to them!
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    mollies, guppys, platys and swordtails

    They should do fine together! and like Nallen said it is pritty unusual for them to breed together! erm YES guppys breed really really good and fast! becouse i had guppys an there was only one male and 3 females and they all got breg in one week! and then i went to petsmart like 2 months ago i...
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    Oh no not again!!!!

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    your fave liveabearers?

    whats your vave liveabearer?
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    Pregnant Black L/T Molly

    NONE of my mollys ever got that white spot there! -_-
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    Blue spotted puffer

    FOTM FROM ME ALSO! :rolleyes:
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    When do guppy fry get their color?

    Well i have 13 baby guppys in a 5 gallon tank in a breeding trap and NO heater! they all are still alive but i am getting a 29 gallon tank really soon and i will get a heater and every thing! ALSO i have read that the temp like 78 is a good temp for the fry and they will grow much faster than a...
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    Pecesitos de colores---LOS GUPPYS---

    Well i'm not you but when i asked for a fish tank and fish my parents went out and got it for me!!! i used to LOVE bettas and still do but i dont own eny more becouse they have died! but now i own 2 5 gallon tanks and 2 mollys in one 5 gallon and 3 mollys in the other and a breeding trap in one...
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    Gestation period

    I dont think she preg at all! you said shes not sqare right well as soon as the platty,guppy,molly is preg they get sqare looking! i think shes just fat! but tell me if i am rong when she has babys or some one no's more than me! :rolleyes:
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    When do guppy fry get their color?

    hum........ do you guys have heaters?
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    Oh Boy!

    well you said you have a 5 gallon! with fry and fish well i have 2 5 gallons and i have 4 female fish and 1 male fish *mollys* i used to have a guppy and 2 days after i gaot her she gave birth! 17 after the birth she died! well eny way i have 3 females and a breeding tank for the fry in one tank...
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    Platies and swordtails

    Yes they do get along!
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    Yeah you are right! you need 2-3 females for every 1 male! :unsure: so go GET SOME NOW!
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    Another miserable day for fishdude

    awwwww i'm so sorry to hear that!
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    feeding fry?

    Well its not very normal! but watch her for a few days and if they arnt better put some stress coat in the water or get some meds for them!@
  39. G

    feeding fry?

    Hi welcome! i had a femlae guppy and i got her really far into her preg and a day later she started haveing babys but non came out intill the week was up! thats a really long time for my guppy not to eat! well i was at school an i came home to a tank full of babys (13 fry) i cought most of them...