Gourami Tentacles


Sep 16, 2003
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Sorry for the stupid question, but what are the tentacles on a Gourami for? I just got a few and was wondering.
These are actually modified fins. Some people think that since gouramis originated in places where the water was dark, they used these fins for feeling the bottom for food, etc. Some people think they are used as "tasters" but this has not been proven. They do use them to investigate though - my dwarfs always "high five" me when I stick my finger up to the glass. So cute! :wub:
Yes the tentacles are used to feel what is happening beneath them e.g. during the night if needed ;)
I shouldn't have said tentacles I meant to say feelers or like said modified fins ;) :D :p
The answer you are looking for is they are used for feeling the environment!!!
I have some as well, are'nt they cute :wub: !!
Hope i've helped
nathan white
juliethegr8t said:
Some people think that since gouramis originated in places where the water was dark, they used these fins for feeling the bottom for food, etc.
I guess that would explain the very large eyes on them too!
Am I crazy but are Gouramis really smart and trainable? I have only had mine for a few days am the minute I walk into the room they know me. They swim up to the little feeder ring I have in the tank, look at me as if to say, "hey where's my food" swim around the tank like mad and do it again till I feed her. The other little guys are in another tank and they swim up and down furiously when I caome into the room too!! They are really fun to watch.
guppymonkey said:
juliethegr8t said:
Some people think that since gouramis originated in places where the water was dark, they used these fins for feeling the bottom for food, etc.
I guess that would explain the very large eyes on them too!
GRR! Guppymonkey, You have a GRR picture as your Avatar!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

<~~Is a Zimaholic
Debo said:
Am I crazy but are Gouramis really smart and trainable? I have only had mine for a few days am the minute I walk into the room they know me. They swim up to the little feeder ring I have in the tank, look at me as if to say, "hey where's my food" swim around the tank like mad and do it again till I feed her. The other little guys are in another tank and they swim up and down furiously when I caome into the room too!! They are really fun to watch.
My male Gourami, Bill feels up the glass of his tank when I am sitting at my computer (which is in front o fthe tank). He's so cute! My Goldfish swim frantically up and down the side of their 100 gallon tank every time I move. It's so funny!
Debo I definitely think the answer to your question is yes! My gouramis are brilliant - they recognized me within days too. The fire red dwarf I have is the most personable fish I've ever met, besides my betta Jack. He's suuuuuch a character, he cracks me up. :wub: Also - I've trained him to shoot water out of his mouth at my finger before he gets food. Wait till you see one of yours do that- it's the most amazing thing ever. I almost died when I first saw him do it. :blink:
Also - I've trained him to shoot water out of his mouth at my finger before he gets food. Wait till you see one of yours do that- it's the most amazing thing ever

How did you ever teach him how to do that?
Well I must admit I certainly didn't teach him to do it at first - I didn't even KNOW he could do it! One day I opened up the hood, my dwarf was sittin there waiting, and when I didn't immediately deliver, he decided to take a big gulp of water and shoot it at me! I almost fell over backwards I was so surprised! Since I wasn't even sure I'd seen it, I put my finger over the water and he was happy to oblige and repeat himself - taking careful aim, and firing straight at my finger, he never missed. It's actually a behavior labyrinth fish like bettas and gouramis use in the wild to catch insects - they shoot a stream of water out of their mouth at the target to knock it in the water, and presto - dinner! So to get him doing this everytime, I'd stick my finger above him, and as soon as he "spit", I'd drop in food. Now I just open the hood and he goes crazy with his waterworks.. lol guess I shoulda thought of that before teachin him this trick, greedy gob! :lol:
OMG that is soooooooo cool! mine *elvis* i have for a few days so i dont know what he can do yet! but today i went to petsmart and got a big red one and he is named *big red*! can you tell me why when elvis gos by big red he acks like he is dead and starts floating? he also swings his body at big red when he is floating on his side! :rolleyes:

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