Pop Eye, Ick, & fin rot


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2003
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ok this morning i had to put one of my mollys to sleep *down* becouse she had pop eye or some hting like that it was as big as a gold fishes eye! well i put her down because i didnt have the meds to treat her and i didnt want her to suffer! and then in my other 5 gallon tank my other female molly has fin rot and Ick! i didnt have the med eather but me and my dad went to the to petsmart and we bout tons of stuff for the new 20 gallon tank my uncle gave me! we set it up and all we need to do is put water in it and its done , also we have to put the filter and heater and stuff in! well when i was at p[etsmart i found meds for pop eye and ick and fin rot and i put that in my 2 5 gallon tanks! do you think all my fish + baby guppys will be ok?
;) Ok, meds aren't good for fry full stop. However why did you put the molley to sleep pop-eye isn't a hard disease to cure. The rest of the tank fin-rot and ich is quite bad...what are your water parameteres (Sounds like really bad water is the problem) however give appropriate meds to fish and keep adding the med even after the diseases appear to be gone...also follow my sig on fish diseases ;)
Kossy said:
;) Ok, meds aren't good for fry full stop. However why did you put the molley to sleep pop-eye isn't a hard disease to cure. The rest of the tank fin-rot and ich is quite bad...what are your water parameteres (Sounds like really bad water is the problem) however give appropriate meds to fish and keep adding the med even after the diseases appear to be gone...also follow my sig on fish diseases ;)
well i have No other place to put the guppy fry *2 months old* and they are with the molly that has the fin rot and ick! and i have to keep puting meds into the tank for her and him to get better! we just finished doing my 20 gallon tank so it needs to sit and cycle and stuff so tell me what to do! HELP!

EDIT: for the molly with pop eye: i didnt have the meds to take care of her and my other molly she was with was beating her and my other molly up so what was i spose to do! i went to some molly sire and it said only to treat it if the fish was really valuable *what ever that means* and eny way i think it was pop eye i dont know it was only one eye that was huge and the head wasnt swolen or any thing it was just the eye!
First of all you need to make sure your tank is cycled (no ammonia or nitrite). With good water and good food a fish's immune system is generally sufficient to keep them healthy. So follow the link in my sig and read about the background to cycling and what to do.

Also, have a look at the pinned post in ich, since you'll need to be treating that as well.
just make sure u follow the instructions that come with the meds and ur fish should be fine!!

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