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  1. D

    Have My Fish Been Eaten?

    How long has the tank been set up?
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    Fry Tank

    The extension on the gonopodium causes the male to be unable to breed, I'm afraid I can't get more technical than that, I just read it somewhere. I used to have some too and was very disappointed when I found that out. :sad: You could still breed the females with another male, as in the...
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    Horse Pictures

    Awww!!! They're soooo cute, you just want to pick them up and take them home! :wub: I want to nominate this one for POTM :nod: , well I'd like to nominate them all but I don't think it's allowed! :( Thanks for sharing the pics with us.
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    Blue Limias

    I saw those blue limias too, they look very nice, unfortunately I don't have the space either. :sad: This is the only picture I can find....................
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    Also what colour are they? Sometimes Platys can take a dislike to one particular colour, black or red usually. Sounds odd I know but it does happen. :dunno: You could try to move your tank decorations around making it a new environment for them all to get used to, make lots of hiding places...
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    Just For Fun

    Congratulations. :- :cake: They are enormous!!!
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    Endler Fry?

    I don't have any myself, I was asking for a friend. I will ask her if she wants to swap some with you and let you know. ;)
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    Most Common Horse Breed In Your Country?

    Wow, some beautiful horses there. :wub: I guess in Wales the most popular are Welsh Mountains and Welsh Cobs. These two are mine......... Arrow - Welsh Mountain section A .........and the weired thing about welsh ponies is how different they look with their winter coat!!! Nia - Welsh...
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    Just For Fun

    :sad: Can I guess again ???? 82 fry on the 5th at 06.45am. :D
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    Endler Fry?

    Thanks. :thumbs: My friend has some and they are quite young, their first batches were of 3 too.
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    Just For Fun

    Was I right............... was I right??????!!!!!!!! :hyper: :fun: :hyper:
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    Endler Fry?

    Can anyone tell me how many fry are in an average batch for an Endler?
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    How Small Is Your Aquarium/bowl?

    Smallest tank; 3(uk)gal livebearer fry/birthing tank.
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    The Final Heat

    Good luck everyone. :) We all make mistakes, I just happend to notice so thought I should mention it. I didn't want to offend anyone but I thought BrookeLea might be upset. Glad it's all sorted. :thumbs:
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    Who's Getting Fish For Christmas.

    No, we'll be having turkey again this year! :rofl: My OH gave me a pair of Honey Gouramis 6 years ago, they were beautiful, he had to order them from the LFS. They bred with me too, I raised 12 lovely fry from them. :wub: Unfortunately I have none left now. :sad:
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    Argh - Pregnancy Worries!

    Breeding tanks can be very stressful, try to avoid them if you can. Lots of plants are good for the fry to hide in, try to get some floating plants too. Rocks are also good, slate maybe as the fry will hide under it. What other fish do you have in the tank, as this will determine how likely...
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    Mixing Livebearers?

    I always keep Platys and Guppies together, they get along fine. Some male Guppies will try to breed with anything though so they may chase the Platys, the females and the males!!! :hey:
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    Finally Black-sword Fry

    I had two Platy fry which I named Spot and Speck(le)s.......... They turned out to be tuxedos! :rofl:
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    I Have Babies :wub:

    Congratulations. :cake: Even if you only have one male you can get a lot of variation in the fry as you can get throw-backs from grandparents, great grandparents etc.
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    Just For Fun

    I think there'll be 64 fry on the 1st at 10.20pm! :nod:
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    Raising Fry In Separate Tank

    I should think they will be fine if the tank is cycled.
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    Kitten Wont Sleep!

    Try putting a loud ticking clock (or a metronome) in the room, that's what they do for puppies; it resembles the heartbeat of its mother. ;)
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    Three Swordtail Guppy

    Thanks. I'll keep you all updated on the youngsters, I'm going to try and take some pics soon, although their tails are still growing, fingers crossed for some more like dad. ;)
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    Pictures Of Guppies (males)

    They're lovely. :kewlpics: Are they all from the same female and do you have a pic of her?
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    Finally Black-sword Fry

    Congratulations. :cake:
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    The Final Heat

    I know I should keep my nose out, but why isn't Grady in the final? He came joint fourth with Izzy in the second heat.
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    Yes they will interbreed.
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    Three Swordtail Guppy

    I found the swallow tail guppies on Google while doing a search to find a similar guppy to mine, but they all seem to have long extensions to their fins which mine does not. :dunno: I thought he might be a cross between a lyretail (or double swordtail) and a pintail, ???? his offspring seem...
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    Yaaay First Babies!

    Congratulations. :cake:
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    Sexing Fry,

    Some fish are much later developing than others, it's best to keep an eye on them from 2 months to 1 year.
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    Baby Black Swordtails

    Congratulations. :cake:
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    Thanks. :thumbs: The one with the black pectoral fins is one I bred myself although neither parent fish had fins like this, he has grown a little since I took this pic and he looks even more spectacular now. :D As for the one with the three pronged tail I've been asking people myself to...
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    Is It Possible?

    Could it have been an Endler?
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    Three Swordtail Guppy

    Thanks all. The fry he's produced so far seem to have various tail shapes ATM but as they are still young it is difficult to see how they will turn out, I will have to wait a couple of months to see if I have more like him. I will keep you updated. :huh: Thanks................. but he's a...
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    White Spot And Babies

    I usually remove any fry from a tank which I need to medicate just to be safe, some people treat with a half dose.
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    Special Care For Mollies

    I've got some of this VITAZIN, is it best to add it the tank water or to their food?
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    Three Swordtail Guppy

    Thanks Weaver and SnowyzMom, I will keep breeding him in hope to re-create this tail shape. :thumbs:
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    Three Swordtail Guppy

    Thanks for replying nino and Annastasia. :) Anyone else seen a Guppy like this?
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    Three Swordtail Guppy

    I'm positive that his tail has not been nipped as I've had him since he was a couple of months old, his tail was much smaller then but still in three parts. (The LSF didn't have any adult Guppies when I visited so he sold me some of his young stock at half price). Some of my fry are his but...