Just For Fun

No fry yet. Here is a picture of her tonight. She looks like a bus!


Maybe tonight -_-

I'm going to say 92 Fry :hyper:
Wow, bless her i bet she fed up being that size.
I just checked her, she can't eat so maybe tonight. She put the flakes in her mouth but spit everything out. I sure hope she has them soon. She looks so uncomfortable, she is upright in the tank but can barely move.
BTW Do fish get "stretch marks"? LOL :D

Here she is tonight, she must be ready, I hurt just looking at her.


Another from the back, look closely, she is beginning to open!!
Looks like tonight it is. Good luck with caring for them. Get pics up of the babies.

EDIT - Forgot to mention that she spiting up the flakes is probably her trying to make it smaller. Well, at least thats what my fish do.
I think there'll be 64 fry on the 1st at 10.20pm! :nod:

Was I right............... was I right??????!!!!!!!! :hyper: :fun: :hyper:

Nope, I just checked her this morning, she is hiding behind the java fern & tank decoration. Still huge, bigger every day. I hope she will be OK. She has gotten bigger than any other I have had. I should be able to save most of the fry, there are big rocks (about 1" diameter), java fern, and a decoration with large holes. There are loads of places for fry to hide in that tank. I won't know how many fry for a few days after she finally has them because I won't be able to see them. I plan to feed them and take a picture of the tank while they are feeding so I can get a count.
She still hasn't had them? Wow, I thought she woulda had them like a day or two ago. Well, I predict sometime this weekend.
I think there'll be 64 fry on the 1st at 10.20pm! :nod:

Was I right............... was I right??????!!!!!!!! :hyper: :fun: :hyper:

Nope, I just checked her this morning, she is hiding behind the java fern & tank decoration. Still huge, bigger every day. I hope she will be OK. She has gotten bigger than any other I have had. I should be able to save most of the fry, there are big rocks (about 1" diameter), java fern, and a decoration with large holes. There are loads of places for fry to hide in that tank. I won't know how many fry for a few days after she finally has them because I won't be able to see them. I plan to feed them and take a picture of the tank while they are feeding so I can get a count.

:sad: Can I guess again ????

82 fry on the 5th at 06.45am. :D
She had the babies today. :thumbs: Within the last 1-1/2 hours or so. I don't know how many she had, yet. They are big babies, all orange like the mama. I'll get some pictures up soon, the babies are hiding (resting) in the java fern and the rocks. Mom sure looks tired, and skinny! :D
Finally! Congrats, and count up the babies if you can. I'm curious to konw how many she had.
She took her sweet time. I have put my other black Swordie female in the breeding net she should go tonight but I do not think she will drop nearly as many as your girl did. Congrats on the fry :D

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