Kitten Wont Sleep!


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
NSW, Australia
Kittens first night here. Am trying to put it to bed but just mews loudly when I close the door then proceeds to scratch on it. What should I do?
Up until now, the kitten was probably with its mother or littermates. It isn't used to being alone, especially at night when it probably curled up in a nice warm heap with its siblings. I think for a while, until it adjusts to being alone, this is going to be one of those "deal with it" type situations, I'm afraid.
What have you offered as bedding? Perhaps if it had something to go into, like a little cat bed, that was filled with blankets, or if it is very young, even a plushie, it would be more content.
Or place some cuddle toys so it can cuddle up to them , but make sure they are safe, check the eyes won' t come out, and there are no open patches.
Try putting a loud ticking clock (or a metronome) in the room, that's what they do for puppies; it resembles the heartbeat of its mother. ;)
What have you offered as bedding? Perhaps if it had something to go into, like a little cat bed, that was filled with blankets, or if it is very young, even a plushie, it would be more content.

Just the cardboard box that he came in with some blankets. We tried putting some hot water bottles in under them to make it warmer, but he still didnt like it.

Last night he slept with me, but I definatly cant keep it up. Very hard to sleep with it on you. Tonight I will place a radio in the bathroom where he sleeps. Also should I have the light on or off?
Well I think you should just let it stay there for a few minutes and come back to check on it later. But if you dont want your door to be messed up then I think its best to put something there like a cardboard piece or something. You can tape that to your door. But as for the meowing Im not sure where its coming from, it may be a call for its mom, thats what my kittens did when they dont see there mom around. Soon enough I guess there going to calm down.

-Arrowhead :ninja:
I had the same issue when we first brought our kitten home. He was only 4-5 weeks old and never slept alone. I would have to agree with everyone that it is something that he will have to learn to "deal with". Our kitten did the same exact thing and my husband went out there to hold him for a little while on the first few nights, but he eventually learned that he was on his own when the bedroom door shut.

Make sure you provide comfortable bedding and don't worry if he doesn't sleep at night. Cats are naturally nocturnal and he'll either play while you're sleeping or gradually change his sleeping habits to match yours. Also, you may want to consider extended play times with the kitty right before you go to bed. Doing so may help wear him out and keep him from crying a little while you're sleeping.

Good luck!
how old is he, usually by 8 weeks, the minimum age a kitten should really leave its mum, they are starting to be much more independant

I would imagine as it gets more settled in it will become more accustomed to sleeping on its own, after all it must sleep alone at least some of tht ime during the day
Thanks for all the replys.

He is about 8 weeks old. We put him to bed last night after having a play session and he mewed for quite a while before going to sleep. Hopefully he should be better tonight.
The poor baby probably misses it's mom :/. Definitely put a small stuffed animal in and maybe a gentle ticking clock. Do you have a heat-blanket? They work great. I love cats and kittens, and have loads of experience with them. At one point we had over 20 cats! Good luck, the kitten will probably be fine in a few days :)!


P.S. I almost forgot; what are you feeding it and how much? Sometimes they get hungry and mew all night. Just make sure not to overfeed, it is not pretty :S!
The poor baby probably misses it's mom :/. Definitely put a small stuffed animal in and maybe a gentle ticking clock. Do you have a heat-blanket? They work great. I love cats and kittens, and have loads of experience with them. At one point we had over 20 cats! Good luck, the kitten will probably be fine in a few days :)!


P.S. I almost forgot; what are you feeding it and how much? Sometimes they get hungry and mew all night. Just make sure not to overfeed, it is not pretty :S!

1/4 cup for the whole day. Hes feeling much better now :)
That's good that he's feeling much better. But what type of food are you feeding him? With kittens it is usually better to just feed as much as they can eat depending on the food because they are always growing and most if not all kittens have a fast metabolism. I know when I fed my kitten Royal Canin he would eat about 1/2 cup which is what was recommended on the bag.
Good luck though.
I would say that he should be fed 'free-choice' so that he can eat as much as he needs :). At least 1/2 cup. I'm glad he's feeling better :)!


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