Raising Fry In Separate Tank


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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If confined to breeding traps for more than a couple of weeks, fish tend to become stressed. Bottom line, they can be an excellent stop-gap solution but you still want to invest in another tank to raise the fry. Bear in mind that it takes about 3 months for baby fish to get big enough to be combined with generic, non-predatory community fish.

I have only 4 guppy fry. At the mo they are in breeding net with other guppies in quarantine tank. When big guppies go in main tank would the 4 guupy fry be ok in the q. tank (25 litre). Would they produce enough ammonia to feed the bacteria?
It should be great for them, a lot better than a breeding net. I personally HATE breeding nets. They really are more destructive than helpful. As long as you change the water frequently the fry should do great in the quarantine tank.
we raised our first baby black mollie (only survivor from a batch born at night in with the cannibals in our community tank) in a breeder box (not a net) in the main tank. it wasnt ideal but she was born just before we went away on holidays she is now 10 months old & although small very happy & healthy. we got prepared for the next babies though & bought a little tank, a fluval 1 filter & fed a tube with an airstone from our airpump into it. it took me about a week & a half to cycle (used pure ammonia + some filter media from our main tank) & we now have 50+ orange swordie fry in there. i much prefer the babies having their own separate tank with lots of room to move & grow. it is important to cycle it first though and once cycled the babies & the leftover food you put in there for them should be enough to feed & keep the bacteria going.
Thats good! I have a 30 gallon tank that is cycled. I usually kept all my adult livebearers in it. Now that I am into this hobby. I purchased one 20 gallon tank and two 10 gallon tanks. I put all my newborn fry in one of the ten gallon tanks. I also had some fry in with the adults. I noticed that the fry that were in with the adults grew faster than the ones in my new 10 gallon tank. Now I put all my adults in the new tanks and my fry in the 30 gallon tank and they are growing at a remarkable rate. I have some black mollies that I have had for six months and they are ready to be sold to my LFS...including plenty of guppies that I have raised also.

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