Horse Pictures


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
Okay, well, I went out to get some horse pictures today, and I figured I'd post some of them. These are just the cutest/funniest ones so you don't get bored! :)

First up...Rob, the newest stallion. He's about 3 1/2 feet tall, yet thinks he's all that.

"You want a piece of me? Huh?!"

Next door we have the three musketeers...nothing breaks these three apart!

And finally...the cutest foal ever! :wub:

I have more, if you all want to see them. But I didn't want to bombard you! :p
ahhhh mini's are adorable ! :wub:
Do you guys breed them then ?
We don't, no. But we keep some pregnant mares, foals, and stallions for a farm that does, while they grow up and find homes for the kids from last year. So I get to see some babies born. It's exciting. I'll have to give you all lots of pictures in the spring, when they are born. They are SO CUTE when they are young. :wub:

Not all of those are mine, but the first stallion, 2 of the three musketeers, and all the horses in the last three pictures are mine. :)
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
the foal with the wall eye is :hyper: :wub: :hyper: :wub:

ill have to send you some pics of my minis sometime,black with flaxen manes :shifty: :wub:
There all adorable.
Thanks you all!

Yep, she does have 2 blue eyes. Actually, a lot of the foals do as one of the stallions has a black eye and a blue eye, but he usually throws blue eyes. One foal came out with marbled blue and black eyes though, I'll have to get a picture for ya'll. She is another one of the cutest foals I've ever had. :wub:
I love them. The one with the three together is awsome.. Those are the cutest things I want one. But of coarse where I live they wont allow it...
Excellent pictures, Anna, truely amazing horses you have.

POTM for the musketeers!
I will second it. ANd I do want to see more pictures they are adorable...I love mini horses. I think they are the best ones o have for kids... :wub:
Awww, thanks you guys! :D

Here's more piccies, since you asked for 'em!
Another cute little baby...he's like a paint's awesome. :D

"Nobody likes me...."

This one I call "Goat boy". No clue why...just reminds me of a goat. :dunno:

FOOOOOD!!!! (I'm proud of this one..notice all four feet off the ground?)

Yaaaaay, food! I'll race ya there!
Awww!!! They're soooo cute, you just want to pick them up and take them home! :wub:

I want to nominate this one for POTM :nod: , well I'd like to nominate them all but I don't think it's allowed! :(

If only they could all get along like's two demonstrating how to be friendly:

Thanks for sharing the pics with us.
The musketeers are funny :D
I love minis.
There's a show during the fair that I sometimes attend...
Awww, thanks for the nomination Ddraig! I love that picture too, hopefully it will get a second. :)

Ethos - Just a Mini Show, or a overall horse show? Around here, they started an all Mini next year, I'll probably enter some of my kids. We'll see how that goes...knowing how all of mine have such attitudes. :lol:

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