Yaaay First Babies!

corpse fish

Fish Fanatic
Nov 6, 2005
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well last night, i had the breeders tank all set up, water stats great, temp awesome, and somehow i just forgot to put her in there. i wake up, and i see this black wriggly thing hiding in the plant. I shoot up and say OMG THATS A BABY FISHY! :drool: at first i had doubts, since i didnt see any others, but it was definetly a baby fry, and i soon found 2 others! :hyper: so i pick them up, put them in the new tank, and i just remembered i have to put something over the intake tube. :crazy:
my first were like that, sadly i was unprepeared for it and they all got ate, not nice seeing a black widow tetra swimming around with a wee baby fish in its mouth :look: , although now she regave birth and have 4 proud dalmation mollys :wub:
What kind of livebearers? It's definately fun seeing them grow up and become mature. :D

What kind of livebearers? It's definately fun seeing them grow up and become mature. :D


black female molly, and i apparently had a pregnant platy at my dads house as she is way skinnier than the last time i saw her. But oh well, Atleast I caught some of there fry in time ;)
Yay, glad to hear she had her babies! :D

Just keep an eye on the water stats, because while they may be fine now, the tank really hasn't any time to stabilize. And keep up on the water changes too!

Have fun raising them. :)
oh yeah i forget how often should i do water changes? my sister just found 2 more fry, so yay i have 5 now! :wub:
keep it to bear minimum on the water changes for now as you will sufficate your lil fry
Congratulations! It's always nice to have new fry. I enjoy watching them grow also. :wub:
In my experiance frequent water changes are essential to the fry making it to adulthood.
Yes, you need frequent water changes. I guess suffocate meant like if you didn't put in dechlorinator, the chlorine would suffocate your fish.

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