Just For Fun


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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Just for the fun of it. Any guesses when the fry will come and how many she will have? She is in the 5 gallon birthing tank now.



My guess is today or tonight, maybe as many as 65 fry if they're small, large fry I guess about 35.

wow shes huge :hyper: no clue when it should happen or how many (atleast 50, and very soon) but i always wanted to breed my pair of those, until the female died :sad: and now the male is being picked on so much that he doesnt have his lyretail anymore :angry: good luck with the fry, hope they come out really pretty!
She is big so i would say 45, but she might eat some.
She is big so i would say 45, but she might eat some.
I hope not, there is a 4" x 6" x 2" tall (rough guess) piece of java fern growing in the tank. I hope they fall in there where she can't find them.
I am going to say 87 fry though she looks like she could give my former champ Doris (Orange Swordie, deceased) a run. She dropped over 110 at least three times, 121 was the max (that survived, not counted untill after 1 week, there were several that did not make it and a lot of underdeveloped eggs. if all the fry had made it with all the eggs hatched there would have been around 150).
What do you feed these fish that makes them drop so many fry?

my molly has just had about 50 fry and did not look as big as yours so ill guess about 70...................and i feed my mollies frozen bloodworm frozen brineshrimp and flakes not all at once though lol i varey it during the week
good luck with your fry
Thanks everyone,
She is still holding them.
I feed flake, veggies, fresh Baby Brine Shrimp, etc. I'm going to try mosquito larve next year when it gets warm again.
She's pretty big! I'll guess about....46.

*figures she'll be way off because she has no luck in these kinds of things* :p
Do we get a prize? It's like guessing the number of sweeties in a jar. Well, I'll guess 50.
I might need to send some fish to the winner. She still hasn't given birth and looks like she swallowed a brick, her sides are sticking out way past her body. There are square edges on the top of her stomach. I'll try and get a picture tonight, she is unbelievable!!
still not had them yet! wow!! how much bigger has she got since that last pic?
i think the square edges on the top of her stomach are a good sign they'll be comming soon!
I'll guess.........75
No fry yet. Here is a picture of her tonight. She looks like a bus!


Maybe tonight -_-

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