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  1. M

    How Mnay Tanks Do You Have?

    3 10g, 29g and 55g
  2. M

    Tropical FF Pet Peeves

    Gotta say... As a sorta newbie to this place, the fact that such a thread as this exists in the first place, and has gotten to this size, annoys me. :/ Had this been one of the first I'd seen, I'd not have returned.
  3. M


    Good idea! Hope it works!
  4. M


    As a mom of a 4 year old, I feel for ya! I guess I'd try one of those fridge locks, where it goes on with double tape. Maybe two of them, one on each side of the lid. But anything you do will likely be a bit of an eye sore. 3 sounds like a good time to institute timeouts for doing it. Or...
  5. M


    I've had 2 in a community tank for 3 months, and have been doing well. They are fun to watch, and have each molted once.
  6. M

    Platy Fry

    My Fry are two weeks old, and have done well on flakes thus far.
  7. M

    Ghost Shrimp & Platy Fry

    The ghost shrimp have been successfully moved to the 29 gallon tank, and seem happy there. The fry are all alone again!
  8. M

    Sand Or Gravel?

    I have 3 tanks, 2 with gravel, 1 with sand. I like the look of the sand much better, and prefer it overall. But, you do see the poo etc. more on the sand than the gravel. If you are dilligent about cleaning the tank floor, it's not a problem at all. Also, most bottom dwellers prefer the sand.
  9. M

    Guess What I Got

    It's all up to you, what you prefer... But I'd personally go with tropical! Congratulations on the bargain find!
  10. M

    Ghost Shrimp & Platy Fry

    :crazy: Thanks for the info! Guess the shrimp need to be relocated to one of my other tanks! It can wait a day or two, since there are about 30 fry... As it is, will have to find new homes for most of them.
  11. M

    I Was At Wallmart Today

    Did you use it yet?
  12. M

    For Those Of You That Are Freshwater Only...

    Ya, I've heard that about how easy it is to make a grave error. Would scare me as well.
  13. M

    For Those Of You That Are Freshwater Only...

    I find salt water tanks and the fish to be absolutely beautiful. But, it is so incredibly expensive, from what I hear. I'll stick with fresh water for a while.
  14. M

    Ghost Shrimp & Platy Fry

    Will ghost shrimp eat platy fry? The fry are just over a week old. Thanks!
  15. M

    Ghost Shrimp And Platy Fry

    Will ghost shrimp eat platy fry? The fry are just over a week old. Thanks!
  16. M

    Ghost Shrimp & Platy Fry

    Will ghost shrimp eat platy fry? The fry are just over a week old. Thanks!
  17. M

    How Succesful Of A Tank Would You Have Without The Internet?

    It has indeed been beneficial to me. I'm sure it has prevented me from making mistakes I had made in the past. I can apply this to gardening, etc as well. It is great to be able to google for info on any topic. One just needs to remember to cross reference, as everyone has an opinion, not...
  18. M

    Is It Ok To Cycle With 3 Platies

    We cycled ours with old filter media and 2plattys, and 4 danios. (55gallon) Seemed to have worked well, no losses, and no signs of stress in the fish. Best of luck to you!
  19. M

    My Pictus Talks!

    I have a spotted raphael, but have nver heard him :no: Hope to get a buddy or two for him at some point. Haven't seen any in the stores though.
  20. M

    Just Had Babies Help

    We used an extra outer filter cover, (the white spongy bag thingy) to put over the tube to keep the fry from being sucked up into the filter.
  21. M

    Uk Clocks Change

    Wow... Just did a web search... For the US Daylight saving time begins this year april 2, but NEXT year March 11!! I was shocked!!! When I was younger, I thought it was more toward the end of April.
  22. M

    Need Help With Cloudy Water! Please

    I DID rinse mine, and the tank was still cloudy for a few days. Now, a week later, it is crystal clear. I imagine the filter will clean it.
  23. M

    Are You Allergic To Bloodworm?

    Go for it!! I just today purchased frozen bloodworm for the first time. Thanks to this thread, I won't take any chances. I have so many allergies, I am likely allergic to bloodworms!! Now I know to be extra careful, just in case. Thanks! By the way, there is no such warning on the packaging.
  24. M

    Why Are Bigger Tanks Easier?

    All great reasons so far! Bigger is always better!!! :hyper:
  25. M


    I haven't a clue, but perhaps boiling it would help?
  26. M

    I Want A Bigger Tank!

    Am so not a 'pro' by any means... Got a ten gallon to start in October 05. Now, also have a29 gallon, and just last week, got a 55 gallon up and running.
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    I usually break the bottom part of the stem at a right angle, and place the rock on that part. Them the leaf has about 7-10 inches or so, up in the water. It looks as though it were a planted plant.
  28. M

    Check This Out!

    They have one of those in my son's preschool classroom.
  29. M


    I anchor the leaf with a rock.
  30. M


    My Plecos and platys LOVE romaine lettuce. After two days, sometimes less in the tank, it looks like a spider web, just the veins remain.
  31. M

    Guppie Fry! Woohoo

    I feel your excitement!!! One of my platies gave birth last night. I didn't get the joy to see them being born though. This is the first batch of fry I've ever seen.
  32. M

    Wow. $30+ For A Decoration? Rediculous.

    We have some neat pieces of pvc pipes and joints in ours. You can take a walk down the plumbing isle of your local home improvement store, and see lots of ideas!
  33. M

    Check This Out

    LOL!! Good luck with that!!! Hope it works out!
  34. M

    What Do You Do With Your Dead Fish?

    Hmmm... I think I'll add mine to the compost pile, when it happens.
  35. M

    Why Buy Fish To Get Rid Of Later When Too Big

    Because we were all new to this at the same time. My point is that I won't have trouble convincing to upgrade tanks. My point was mistakes happen to people with good intentions. We now realize we ought to have done more research BEFORE and not blindly trusted a salesman.
  36. M

    Why Buy Fish To Get Rid Of Later When Too Big

    I'm a newbie to aquariums. I had this happen to me. I am the proud owner of a 3.5 inch common pleco. I'm sad to say, I wasn't alerted to the fact that he will grow as big as he will when I purchased him. Nor had I done my research. I'm now attached to him, and will likely continue to...
  37. M

    What Do You Consider "tropical" Temperatures?

    Hmmmm... It seems to be a valid topic to me. Afterall, this is a 'chitchat' area. Now, if this poll were in the EMERGENCY area, that would be another story.
  38. M

    What's Causes You The Most Enjoyment?

    I love watching them. Like getting to know their personalities... Well, as much as there is of that. Most of all, I love watching my 4 year old child enjoying them. It seems he notices something new every day.
  39. M

    How Much Sand

    Good to know! Next tank will be a 55 gallon, and am thinking to give sand a try.
  40. M

    Fish Or Kids?

    1 child, 4 year old boy. Two tanks, 10 and 29 gallon. 3 dogs. When we get a 55 gallon tank, the 10 will go into my son's room. He can hardly wait!!!