Need Help With Cloudy Water! Please


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Hello i have just brought a new tank (LARGE) and i brought a bag of sand for tropical fish but i did a
STUPID thing and forgot to wash it befor i filled the tank up its been 2 days now and the tank is a little
cloudy, i have an external pump (aqua vitel external filter avex600)

what shall i do

I HAVE NO FISH IN THE TANK THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :/ :/
I DID rinse mine, and the tank was still cloudy for a few days. Now, a week later, it is crystal clear. I imagine the filter will clean it.
Hello i have just brought a new tank (LARGE) and i brought a bag of sand for tropical fish but i did a
STUPID thing and forgot to wash it befor i filled the tank up its been 2 days now and the tank is a little
cloudy, i have an external pump (aqua vitel external filter avex600)

what shall i do

I HAVE NO FISH IN THE TANK THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :/ :/

50% water changes until it starts to clear up or 25% water changes and give it a few extra days
i say water changes due to the fact you didnt wash it and dont want anything in your tank to harm your fish when you do add.
Could someone let me know,should i keep doing a 25%water change for a few days or should i let it filter for a couple of days then do a 25% change???????? could someone help me A.S.A.P
Do Water changes every 2 days untill it is clear. I looked at the pic and I would actually do a 50% change now.

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