Why Are Bigger Tanks Easier?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2005
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Hey, simple question. .

dad has a small 2-5 gal or somethin n i was tellin him to get a bigger tank but could not think of a reason why apart from disease spreads slower. . :/

Can all you experts tell me why so i can tryn persuade him?

Thanks dudes

- Enthusiast -
A short list...

1. Key to reducing pollution is dilution. More water volume is more stable, unless you have a 5g with one small fish and a 50g crammed full of messy fish, in which case, well...
2.More stocking levels, room for fish to swim
3. Better scope for fish species and aquascaping
4. Less worries about territory sizes
5. Slightly more replicate of space in the wild
6. Less stressful on inhabitants
A short list...

1. Key to reducing pollution is dilution. More water volume is more stable, unless you have a 5g with one small fish and a 50g crammed full of messy fish, in which case, well...
2.More stocking levels, room for fish to swim
3. Better scope for fish species and aquascaping
4. Less worries about territory sizes
5. Slightly more replicate of space in the wild
6. Less stressful on inhabitants

i would agree tha that pretty much covers the basic reasons why... i can't think of more "long listed" ones to add, though i know that there is. but these are pretty much the best reasons to have a larger tank.
the list looks good but just 1 more thing.

gives you a wider variety of fish
Less swings/slower swings in tempature, pH, among other water chemistry.
Much like big trucks, the bigger the tank, the better it compensates for your shortcomings in other areas :whistle:
I upgraded from a 20ukgal to a 65ukgal and I love it! I am still keeping the 20gal but the 65gal looks lovely in the living room. It also gives a nice light if you like watching tv in the dark. :)
Simple Reasons:
1 looks way better
2 More room to put stuff deco and plants
3 more fish
4 less chance of having extreme nitrate levels.

these are just somethings that came to me.

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