

Fish Addict
Jul 15, 2005
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hiya all
just had to let you know cos it was kinda funny watching them. anyway just given my fish some cucumber for the first time & my clown loaches have just swam round it checking it out, none of them has gone near it, it was almost like they were egging each other on as to who was gona check it out first.
i put it in mostly for the bristle nosed plecs.
the corys are enjoying it it thou greedy bunch of buggers lol
I also have cories, can you reccomend me other types of vegetable to try :D, I just want to vary my diet for them a little :D
My Plecos and platys LOVE romaine lettuce. After two days, sometimes less in the tank, it looks like a spider web, just the veins remain.
I usually break the bottom part of the stem at a right angle, and place the rock on that part. Them the leaf has about 7-10 inches or so, up in the water. It looks as though it were a planted plant.
This is very interesting I have never heard of putting veggies in a fish tank.

So what type of veggies can you put in there that would be compatible with my fish (see in my sig..)

Why is it beneficial to put veggies in?


your clowns will soon catch on.

i gave mine some cucumber for the first time in about a week yesterday and all 5 of them came flying out there cave and onto the cucumber like a dog attacking the postman lol.
well checked in on my fish this morning & it looks like the big male bristled nosed plec has tried to drag 1 piece of the cucumber under his bog wood lol talk bout claiming a piece lol. and the clowns have finally caught onto the fact thats its food :D :D
On one of those clips?

I found those a waste of time and effort. Used it twice and it's now used to hold an airline behind a filter lol

Just whack it under a rock or some wood.

For those wondering what veg to use, pretty much anything. I use:

Lettuce, Cabbage, Cucumber, Spinach, Rinsed baked beans, peeled kidney beans, Carrot, Peas and I'm sure there must be others I can't think of. The carrot needs par-boiling as it's so tough, the rest go in raw and are devoured overnight every time.

I've avoided onions and potato, can't imagine they'd go for them!

Fruit is another good food. My fish love banana and tomato (take the runny bit out), & will nibble on apple and pear. Pleccy likes to nibble on an almond too.

If you don't know, just try a piece overnight and see if it gets attacked- removing the remainder the next day regardless.

@ Lea-Andra, your fish are mostly small and will eat free floating particle type foods, can't imagine them hounding away at a piece of fruit or veg. You might like to try chopping or crushing some stuff into tiny bits to make it accessible, but don't chuck loads in is it'll be hard to remove if they don't go for it. Your corrie and loach depending on type will probably have a go at most things, see if they develop a taste for anything.
This is very interesting I have never heard of putting veggies in a fish tank.

So what type of veggies can you put in there that would be compatible with my fish (see in my sig..)

Why is it beneficial to put veggies in?



I can help YOU there, I would go with peas. You should put them in boiling water for 30 seconds leaving the shell on and feed it to them :D Make sure it cools a little though first :D

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