Guess What I Got


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2006
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~ Well some of you may or may not know but i have a 10 gallon and i have been saving up for another 10 gallon becuase for a kit (which includes everything but the stand and gravel and decor and fish) it is 30 dollars! When i went to my church garage sale there was a fish tank with lots of extras (food, test kits, gravel, light, but no filter and iasked the price and they said 10 bucks! It even had the stand and it was not a 10 gallon for sure and i got it home and it was a 30 gallon! I was so ecited!

I am not sure if i am going to go tropical or goldfish yet? What should i go with?

I'd consider a biotope. they usually look very nice though they can be a bit of a challenge.
well if your in to REALLY low maintenance, make it a goldfish tank, but personally the best starter tank is a tropical (warm water) freshwater tank, due to the large selection of fish readily available.

brackish works, but requires slightly more effort on your part.

whatever you choose, best of luck,

oh yeah, probably gonna wanna spend the money for a decent filter if you go tropical
i am going to do goldfish becuase i think they are easier and plus i have double the filteration i need!


that is a pic!

i do have the right hood and light now so it is all okay!

a cory in cold water :S not good IMO. you may want to move the filter outlets away from the bubble bar, or your filter will take in alot of air.

tank looks great tho :)

looks like a cory to me as well :grr: hope not! :(

needs more plant.more rock a good find thouigh well done.
Sweet, garage sales and rummage sales are great deals to find stuff like that. Also, are you going to add a little more gravel to cover up the other side a little more :/

~blitztidus~ :D

i can see a guppy and a cory in there, i think you should take them back to the pet shop and get 1 more goldfish :nod: other wise the 2 tropicals might die :(
i can see a guppy and a cory in there, i think you should take them back to the pet shop and get 1 more goldfish :nod: other wise the 2 tropicals might die :(

With a single goldfish in a 10g, you are fully stocked.

Whoever also said that goldfish are low maintenance is also incorrect. They are messy eaters, grow large, and need plenty of swimming room. The fact you don't need a heater does not mean they need less maintenance.

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