How Much Sand


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln, Nebraska
I am want to switch my tank to sand, and make it a planted tank. I was wondering how much sand I will neet for a 55 gallon tank. I also would like to know how much Latertie is should use for the same tank? Thanks
for the sand part, use tankmaster in my sig and it will work it out for you.
as for layerite i guess tha could be used for it too :dunno:
My tank is 48 US gallons, and i used:

Almost all of one of the larger boxes of first layer laterite (it says how much to use on the box). sorry, cant remeber how much this was..

EDIT: its 1oz or 28g per US Gallon..

30 kg of playsand.. which gave a generous 2 inch covering.. so may stretch to do a 55 gallon tank. depends on the dimensions.. my tank is 101 x 50 x 41 cm.

75 pounds of sand, thats how much I used of gravel and it is about 2"-3" tall. Also thats what my lps recommends.
Sand and gravel are a bit different though, IME It took less sand to cover my 60 gallon. The should be ok with just the large box. It got a bit sparse using one box on my 60 but I couldn't justify buying another box. Also i'm not going to plant every square inch of it. Just a thin layer of laterite and 50 lbs. of playsand should cover about 3 in....maybe 2.5
I'm doing sand on my new 55g and it looks like all 50 pounds of it will be going in to get a good 1-1.5" depth to it.
Good to know! Next tank will be a 55 gallon, and am thinking to give sand a try.

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