I Want A Bigger Tank!


Feb 2, 2006
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Birmingham, England
I've had my first tank, a small 8 gallon, up and running for about three months now. But I've become frustrated that I can't buy anymore fish, so I want a bigger tank.

How long did it take you 'pros' to get a bigger tank after your first?
I've had my first tank, a small 8 gallon, up and running for about three months now. But I've become frustrated that I can't buy anymore fish, so I want a bigger tank.

How long did it take you 'pros' to get a bigger tank after your first?

I started with a 80Gallon but had to get rid because my grilfriend was doing my head in!! I was gutted..

Dont need to be a pro to have a big tank! :thumbs:
I've had my first tank, a small 8 gallon, up and running for about three months now. But I've become frustrated that I can't buy anymore fish, so I want a bigger tank.

How long did it take you 'pros' to get a bigger tank after your first?

Am so not a 'pro' by any means... Got a ten gallon to start in October 05. Now, also have a29 gallon, and just last week, got a 55 gallon up and running.
my first that that is currently cycling now is a 62 uk gallon. and by no means am i a pro... i just like big things...
I had a 10G for about 4 years before upgrading to a 47.5, just set up a 24G nano reef, definitely not a pro!
At first about 6 years ago I had a 2 gal hexagon tank then after a year I got a 5 gallon. I think after 2 years I got a 10 gallon (I also figured out at this time that a 10 gal was easier to take care of then a 5 gal). Now after almost 7 years I am getting a 25 gallon tomorrow YAY I am so excited.

The reason I haven't gotten something bigger lately is this. I was in university and couldn't get something bigger and I still live with my parents so I have been putting off getting a bigger one. It's basically only because my fish are breeding and I have NO ROOM left in my little 10 gal.

But be sure of this... I will get bigger again.

I am sure it took me longer then others to buy a bigger tank.

I got my first tank (29 US Gal) about 8 months ago and was completely ignorant to keeping fish, but I've learned ALOT since then, mostly from this website, and now I'm moving up to a 55 Gal, only because I have aboslutely no room for anything bigger.
i bought a 5g hex in feb this year and wanted more so went out and bought a 27g community tank in march all went well looks good nice community so thought i know so went out and bought myself another tank a 55g to house cichlids gave my 5g to my son for him to get a betta moved my 27g into my hallway and have the 55g in the front room
ive gone from a 2 gal to a 5 gal to a 10 to a 7 to a 15 to 20 to 45.

u can see in sig what i am running now.
i am upgradeing to a 75 gal for my 40,a 30 tall for my 15,and switching my 20 with my 40 once 75 is setup.

not too shabby for a 15 year old
i feel its easier to have a bigger tank i cant wait to get my "big one " in december
My first tank was a 55 gal, and I spent no time worrying about what fish I wanted just bought the ones that caught my eye there and then lol. But 1 year later I got a 96gal tank and I love it!
I started off with a 21 uk gallon.Then progressed onto a 96 uk gallon and then a 158 uk gallon and also got a frog tank which is 9gallon.

fishkeeping is addictive but im no pro and the minute you say you are is when you stop learning and we should never stop learning we can never know everything :p
well im gonna get 10 gallon for a quarantine tank, and a 20 gallon long as my first fish tank.

but i would be content my whole life if i just had a 55 gallon, or even a 30 gallon tank...

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