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  1. C

    Praying Its Not Ick..

    Thanks for the replies. The spot looks like an ich spot. Now I have a new problem.. I put one of my 3 platies (the one i mentioned above) into the hospital tank and she is being treated for ich/ick. However, tonight I am noticing that another one of my platies that was in with her is acting...
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    Praying Its Not Ick..

    the spot is the only one, the fish is no longer scratching.. there are no spots spreading.. could this be a fungus?
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    Praying Its Not Ick..

    Well if it is doesnt look like ill be able to get rid of my icky sand, cause treating would mean i have to remove my filter.. Anyways.. long and short, I caught my platy rubbing herself on the driftwood today (head area, she was going sideways and scratching). She hasnt done it since but on a...
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    Stocking A 10 Gallon

    3 cories would work, mine are really content in their 10g.
  5. C

    Wow.. A 15 Foot Aquarium For Sale On Ebay!

    imagine how much you'd spend on food..
  6. C


    ok thanks. believe it or not, it's my betta that hogs all of the food.. behind him, the platies.
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    Sand Vs Gravel

    i have 3 cories and 2 shrimp in a 10g, it's not spotless. :(
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    He,s Had His Wicked Way

    north american chart?
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    I Hate This!

    edit: nvm :)
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    Are there any huge implications to doing this other than a dirty tank? I have to, to get it to the bottom feeders.
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    Question About Sand

    like i said in another thread, you guys may really like sand but be prepared to clean more..
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    Sand Vs Gravel

    Sand is a pain in the rear. Im changing back to gravel soon. Looks great, but it's messy as hell.
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    Wow.. A 15 Foot Aquarium For Sale On Ebay!

    Mine hasnt. And thats a cool tank, feeding would be a task.
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    New Tank Ideas

    on the note of sand, ive found it nice but much harder than gravel to maintain. gets very dirty.
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    Does anyone else here have tannins that just wont fade? Ive boiled my wood tons but to no avail. I think ive learned to accept it 0_o Its actually not so bad, but one day I hope they go away.
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    100% Water Change

    im changing my substrate soon so ill have to do a 100% water change. the mini cycle scares me i certainly wouldnt do it if i didnt have to.
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    Unnatural Decorations?

    speaking of which, my local beach used to have a theme park on it in the early 1900s but it was demolished. you can find bricks that have been filed down from the water over time, aged. really nice. i was going to add some to my tank, they have some neat crevaces that my shrimp would love. I...
  18. C

    Suggestions For A 10gal Tank

    platies all the way, i went with 3 females. a single betta would probably be ok too.
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    For The Sake Of Asking ...

    keeping the lights on?
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    The Story Of My Tanks....

    if all you have are the swords than your tank can hold 7.. :hey:
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    New Substrate!

    happens in all sand tanks ive seen, its just the shadows :no:
  22. C

    Tank Stocking Suggestions?

    Platies are fine in groups of two, or singles.. actually :X
  23. C

    Mixing Fish

    unable to answer your question directly.. but if i were you id get all females, seeing as how you're looking for a peaceful tank. I find males, even when kept with lots of females, chase and nip at all the others.
  24. C

    Shrimp Instead Of Corys?

    As for ghost shrimp, they are known to hunt fry.. :X Anyways, breeding in a community tank is really hard. In my 10G i have some female platy, a male betta, 2 shrimp and 3 cories.. one platy had tons of fry, but they were all gone in a few days.
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    Vaseline- Background

    ok so i took the advice that lots of you posted here and applied a tank background using vaseline. this worked great! however, now i want the background off. its proving to be trickey. What can I use to remove the vaseline? it's smudging all over the tank, leaving smears and such no matter how...
  26. C

    Ghost Shrimp, Feeding Time..

    by any chance, have yours ever nipped at a fish? mine was swimming about and latched onto my betta, i think it was not intentional, but the betta taught him a lesson anyways and they avoid each other now. well, the shrimp runs the other way :P
  27. C

    Ghost Shrimp, Feeding Time..

    My new ghost shrimp is about 1.5". I bought him a week ago.. yesterday he started something odd, he's actually swimming to the top of the tank when I put the food in and eating off the top.. he grabs as many pieces as he can and stuffs them in his mouth before going to a log.. some feedings he...
  28. C

    Best Algae-eater?

    my platys are always munching algae too, y ou could throw some in with your selected algae eater. The three mickey mouse females i have are always nibbling on the glass to get the algae it's amusing to watch.
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    Flake Food- Too Large?

    my fish ignore red flakes, leaving them for the bottom feeders.
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    What Species Of Fish Enjoy/play In/live In Sand

    as stated, cories like sand. i feel bad for mine, little do they know they're gettin gravel soon.
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    Types Of Fish Together

    bear in mind the difference in UK/US sizes for tanks,guys..
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    2 Deaths In 3 Weeks - Please Can You Help Me!?!

    Important question: Are they african dwarf frogs..?
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    2 Big Problems.. Help Please

    Could I up it to one 25% a day then? That helps more than every 2 days.
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    2 Big Problems.. Help Please

    Thanks guys. Ill keep my filter media for now, and keep up my water changes to dilute the tannins. No harm in doing 25% every second day right?
  35. C

    2 Big Problems.. Help Please

    Alright here's the story. My tank (10G) has been set up for about a month or two now, and everything is getting along great. Had some initial problems with tankmates but everything is finally settled down. No fish illness, good water quality.. so my problems are a thing of the past- or so I...
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    Coldwater Or Tropical?

    well i LOVE goldfish but i dont have any.. dont intend on it soon.. so im gonna have to go with tropical.
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    Funny Fish Facts :)
  38. C

    Whats Your Favourite Fish?

    Well Bettas have.. interesting personalities. They can't take my spot as fave though because ive gone through so much of a hastle finding a tankmate for my current one. :lol: Oddly enough, mickey mouse platies. Mine just eat algae off the glass all day and do other cute stuff.
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    Yellowy Water. Can It Be The Plants?

    I have two pieces of driftwood that give off constant tannin.. no matter how many water changes i've tried.
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    Adf Feeding?

    Hi. In my 10G tank I used to have my african dwarf frog along with a betta. in the past month ive slowly added fish so that my count is (final): -Betta -Frog -3 Platy -3 cories +2 additional ghost shrimp Now, since the betta and platies gobble everything down ive resorted to overfeeding in...