Mixing Fish


New Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Hey Guys I'm new here, thanks for having me. I was just wondering if I could ask someone if swordtails can get along with Silver Dollars, Irian Rainbows, Bosmani Rainbows, a Red-tailed shark, and bala sharks. I have a 77 gallon tank and my fish are quite large (Rainbows 4 inches, Balas 7 inches, silver dollars 5 inches, Red-tailed shark 2 1/2 inches). Could the swords actually pick on my Silver Dollars? Will the Balas and Rainbows kill the swords? Just wondering? Thanks.
You are overstocked as it is with the bala sharks alone in a 77 gallon. You will have to upgrade and have the balas in there own tank, quite a large one, how many do you have? Silver dollars also need a large tank on there own. If you can't do this you will have to get rid of some fish. Swordtails go best with smaller tropical fish such as tetras and fish like that.
I actually have a lot of room right now. I can always clear out my 58 gallon tank which only has two cichlids in it. I was just wondering if I could mix them or if you think it's out of the question? The tank is very peaceful right now and if there is a major risk of disrupting it, I don't want to do it, but I kind of want to put a little something else in it.
unable to answer your question directly.. but if i were you id get all females, seeing as how you're looking for a peaceful tank. I find males, even when kept with lots of females, chase and nip at all the others.

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