He,s Had His Wicked Way


New Member
Feb 2, 2006
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i have a orange molly, not sure what type, so ive enclosed a photo of him.
i bought 2 dalmation female mollies today and soon as they were released he was sh*gging them
it was VERY obviuos to what he was doing
since he got his wicked way he is being nasty towards them and chasing them everywhere
will this calm down or do i get rid of him.
never had this trouble before
karen x
:lol: Typical man just keep an eye on him for now, how many gallons is the tank, and how many fish and which type.
That happens often with me too. it is sort of funny, but I would leave them they should be fine. only time will tell.
its 54 l tank about 14 or 15 gallon
i have 3 mollies like him
2 balloons
2 dalmation
1 black molly
2 plecs
5 catfish
3 guppies
5 platies
It's about a 10gal, overstocked there, how many females to the males.
That's ok then, just hope things settle down.
I have a reckord 60 which is 12gals and mine is more litres than that.
to work out litres = length x width x height (in cms) divided by 1000

to work out gallons ( imperial) = length x width x height (in inches) divided by 276

hope that helps :)
my quickie conversion from liters to US gallons is: liters/4=gallons

so its not a 10g by any measure, but it is still overstocked. step 1 of the solution would be to re-home those plecos; that's too small a tank for one pleco, much less two of them.

mollies being pushy is nothing really new. how does that male behave towards the other species in the tank?
thanks for the conversions
he gets on fine with the other fish
so if i take the plecs out, is that amount of fish ok?

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