Best Algae-eater?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2006
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London, Highbury
Hi all - what's your recommendations for a really good algae eater? I've a JUWEL Vision 180 tank that is mid-cycling and I am looking for advice on some great algae eaters to go in it when it is ready. I've another smaller tank that has fish already and these will be transferred too: clown loaches, platies, dwarf gouramis, glass fish, zebra danios, guppies. So the new algae eaters should have to live well with this lot. The tank is well planted and has plenty of shade areas (thick-set plants, rocks, wood). The substrate is sand, too.

I don't want something that will over-compete with the clown loaches. Maybe something that likes to eat algae off the plants? I've noticed that, during the on-going ammonia cycle, that there is a sudden spurt of algae no the plants. The plants seem to be happy as well though - auto-CO2 system has ensured that some of them have doubled their height in a week!
I've got a Bristle Nosed Plec in my community tank - he does a sterling job!! He does eat algea from the plants as well. I call him a he - I actually have no idea what gender he is - any ideas how to tell?!!
I've got a Bristle Nosed Plec in my community tank - he does a sterling job!! He does eat algea from the plants as well. I call him a he - I actually have no idea what gender he is - any ideas how to tell?!!
An adult male bristlenose (usually around the 4" mark, though by 3" you should already be able to tell), has a large busy bristle nose. The female often has no bristles or just some stubs.

Here are some great examples :)
do you kno the clown loaches will need rehoming soon?
they grow too big even for a 180L tank.
Maybe in a few years they'll need a new home but certainly not soon. Clown Loaches grow less that 1/4" per year. Everybody seems to freak out on the max size of these fish, sure they do get 12" long, but it usually takes 30-40 years for that to happen.

Go for the BN Plec or even the Siamese Algae Eater. The only thing that beats a SAE for variety of algae eaten is the Florida Flag Fish.
do you kno the clown loaches will need rehoming soon?
they grow too big even for a 180L tank.
Maybe in a few years they'll need a new home but certainly not soon. Clown Loaches grow less that 1/4" per year. Everybody seems to freak out on the max size of these fish, sure they do get 12" long, but it usually takes 30-40 years for that to happen.

Go for the BN Plec or even the Siamese Algae Eater. The only thing that beats a SAE for variety of algae eaten is the Florida Flag Fish.
I grew clowns from 2" to ten inches in ten years and they continued to 12" over the next ten but I agree that many grow slowly due to inadequate housing.
I wouldn't put juvie clowns in less than 300 litres & IME they grow at over 1" a year to about 6/7"

Algae eaters - different fish eat different algae. I keep Ameca splendens, otocinclus & Puntius narayani as well as Ancistrus & some Hypancistrus. All have different preferences.
For just one in a tank then Ancistrus are best.
Take your choice from the following algae eaters -
1. SAE
2. Otocinclus
3. Pleco
4. Shrimp
5. Mollys
6. Barbs (other than SAE)
7. CAE (there are mixed opinions about these)
Jason, just remember that new tanks (especially ones still cycling) will almost certainly have some algae bloom. This is mostly the brown diatom kind that settles after a few weeks or so.
Why don't you let your tank settle for 6 months and then re-evaluate your situation. Instead of adding more fish to a new tank.
my platys are always munching algae too, y ou could throw some in with your selected algae eater. The three mickey mouse females i have are always nibbling on the glass to get the algae it's amusing to watch.
I agree with bloozoo, but if you really want an algae eater, I have had really good luck with the rubber lip pleco. They stay small, and do a pretty good job.

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