Tank Stocking Suggestions?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
Hey what would you suggest to add or change with this combination of fish by the way in a 29 Gallon

2-Red Wagtail Platies
2-gold gouramis
1-silver dollar
1-red tailed shark
1-odessa barb
1-cherry barb
1-pretty sure its called golden algae eater

any ideas are appreciated
take out the barbs ans the shark
then add 2-4 more platties
and mabey a smal plec instead of the alge eater or even ottos
i hapeend to perfer ottos
Hey what would you suggest to add or change with this combination of fish by the way in a 29 Gallon

2-Red Wagtail Platies
2-gold gouramis
1-silver dollar
1-red tailed shark
1-odessa barb
1-cherry barb
1-pretty sure its called golden algae eater

any ideas are appreciated

Platies: Need to be in a group of either 1 male to 2-3 females, or if you go all males, at least 5, to curb agression.
Gold gouramis: If your talking a member of the Trichogaster genus, 1 male to 2-3 females, though most gouramis species fall to this grouping. They can also get up to 6 inches, which is what a large male I once had reached. He was huge and agressive.
Silver dollars: Are a schooling fish and get up to 8 inches long, so they need a larger tank.
Red tailed shark: Another species too small for your tank
Odessa barbs: A lovely, unusual fish that needs to be in a group. I wish I could keep them. Pretty representative of the barb family.
Cherry barb: Very peaceful, again lovely barb. Should be in a ratio of 1 male per 2 females.
Golden algae eater: Might be the golden morph of the Chinese algae eater, in which case avoid please. Your tank is too small.

Hope this helps a bit. I would go with a species tank of odessa barbs and cherry barbs, that would be so pretty, and not the normal tank that everybody else has. That's what I'd do with the list you gave me.
silver dollars and the barbs need to live in shoals, so having one each of them is not suitable. Golden algae eater is probably a chinese algae eater - if so they can get aggressive and you should think about it before putting them in a community tank. Red tailed sharks also have a bit of a reputation so be careful whet you add with them. I think you might need to rethink. Take your time and enjoy.
Male platies IME are less aggressive than swordtails, a group of 3 or 4 males should be ok, and even 2 might work if they know each other well and are peaceful individuals. 2 females are usually fine. IME it's really when you keep females and males that you need to think carefully about ratios. If youh ave 1 of each, then maybe you should up the number of females.

I would go with the barbs though. A proper school of the Odessa barbs would look good, and a male cherry barb with a small harem. I suppose you could keep the platies too, if they get on well.

I'd get rid of the algae eater (for reasons stated, have had bad experiences myself) and of the shark (reasons stated) and of the silver dollar (really not kind to keep schooling fish singly). And I would be inclined to rehome the gouramis too.

But the barbs sound lovely...
instead why dont you go for something along these lines:
1 or 2 pearl gouramis
5 cherry barbs
3 platies
1 plec
Perhaps qualify what plec ? I assume you mean something like a bristlenose ? :) Or something that won't grow larger than 5" ?

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