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  1. L

    havily planted tanks

    If you want it that heavily planted, you have to spend more than just 20 dollars. Some every day plants cost 12 dollars at the lfs. How big is the tank? This will also determine the size of the bulbs which will affect the cost noticeable. Substrate + fertilizers about 30 bucks and co2 you...
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    Aquascaping-- as AP Art Project Pics

    Whoa is that last pic the ten gallon? That's a pretty big change in appearance :| Great tanks and good luck with the portfolio.
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    What do you think so far!!

    Hmm well it looks ok so far. I like the darker gravel, and I REALLY like that wood. Keep it there. Gah, I don't like the plastic plants for sure... but it will do I guess. What I would do is get some more wood like that--really tall pieces and put it from the left all the way to the right...
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    to color up your tank

    Many types of tetras, golden cloud minnows, gouramies, betta (though be careful with tank mates) and much more.
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    Any cichlids suitable for a ten gallon?

    So just my luck, as soon as my ten gallon is cycled it gets MASSACRED with algae. I already had some in there and I think it took over when I removed the plants maybe? Anyways...I've been reading about some hardy fish and I never knew it, but I've heard cichlids are some of the hardiest fish...
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    How quickly do anubias' grow?

    Anubias are very slow growers and I've read that if you are meeting it's demands, it should grow one new leaf every 14 days on average. Mine's slower though :S
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    If you have a weak stomach do not open

    Why would you not get the tanks yet? For all you know those poor fish could be stunted in growth now, and you could just be thinking "oh they're not too big yet". For the sake of those fish, buy some new tanks.
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    siamese fighters

    Take the female out. NOW. A male and female betta should not ever be together unless you are breeding. I hope you have a tank for that female.... If you don't act quick they may spawn and he may even kill her. Hurry up and separate them.
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    55g PICS-Aggressive tank!

    Well I don't know much about cichlids so I can't comment, but what the heck is a pacu doing in there? You don't keep them unless you have HUGE tanks.
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    Black Widow Tetra

    Nyes well I'm hoping you've completed the nitrogen cycle or are willing to keep up with water changes. These are one of the hardiest tetras with a wide ph range (5.5-8.5). I'm not sure of the temperature but they like a bit less lighting and although a schooling fish it seems to be happy as...
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    Eggs r us

    It's almost definitely your cories from what I've read. Danios drop their eggs and your tetras will most likely not breed...they're very fussy... cories lay on the glass too. Remove the eggs with your finger or razor blade and put them in a different tank. I'm not too sure what to feed them...
  12. L

    Quick question...

    Are white and black skirt tetras just colour variations of the same species?
  13. L

    Low light fish?

    I wouldn't say plecos are good for a ten gallon...they get quite wide in their body too (for their size that is). I really want to understock this tank, it's going to be my first tank with lots of fish in it so I think I'll just go with the glowlights....the cory's can wait until I feel...
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    Low light fish?

    Anything else? Any of the smaller tetras?
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    Low light fish?

    I really don't know about this one, but I took the lights from my ten gallon and put it on my 5 gallon--the plants are showing great improvement. However now the ten gallon is left without light ( it is very very dark in there) and the black gravel only makes it darker. So I don't really wanna...
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    Which Betta Colour Should I buy?

    These are pretty much what my LFS is offering. I really like all of them and they would all go good in my newly acquired 5.5 gallon but I don't know which colour to get, it's frustrating me a bit.
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    'tis finally cycled...

    Hmmm so I have a planted 10 gallon tank, and it's finally cycled. I used only 1 betta so there might not be that much bacteria yet but I have a little bit of the types of bacteria I need. So now I consider my options Female Betta tank (4 of them)- May be a problem because i have to add them all...
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    How much risk in getting fish from local stream

    Do it but make sure to quarantine the fish for a longer period of time and make their acclimation a lot longer.
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    understanding swim bladder

    Great article. Should be pinned.
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    Tank Woes

    Was the tank cycled?
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    Before and after

    Nice tank, I suggest you get a background on it, or fill it up with some plants :thumbs:
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    Does anyone have a paludarium? I was thinking of ideas for my tank and a thought of paludariums struck me, and I wondered if anyone here had one. If you do can you post pics of it and instructions on how to set it up?
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    new tank deco

    Looks nice, I like the wood :)
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    Custom Tank-- finished planting the acrylic cube

    Your tanks are just amazing, I wish I could make a tank as good as any of yours.
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    Planted 5g?

    I don't think it will do well. First of all, thats 1.6 watts per gallon of lighting. Second, in smaller tanks watts per gallon is not good to go by. This is because plants have a minimum light threshold, or something like that. I don't really want to go too far into detail as I'm sure I'll...
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    Picture of 2 of my pregnent platies

    :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
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    Tank Busters

    You need a tank at LEAST 18 inches high to keep angel fish.
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    Fish Myths

    Maybe we should give our fishies the proper lives and let them grow in an environment big enough as in nature, after all we are trying to make up an artificial habitat for them that resembles natural. :rolleyes:
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    I use tap water to do 25%water changes

    You really should use dechlorinator. Or you can age it, but I'm not sure of this, I THINK aging removes chlorine but I'm not sure how long to age it.
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    Which is hardier?

    I see these both at the lfs. I haven't seen rasbora espei in any stores except one but I don't think it's rare. -_- I like the way both look, and they are both very small (espei is only about a centimeter smaller and not as "high"). They are also both priced the same so I'm not sure, so I'm...
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    First planted tank :)

    It looks nice :thumbs: You might want to move the vallis on the left to the back, and move the bushy stuff in front of the wood somewhere else in the middleground as its blocking the focal point, I would say. But this is only constructive criticism please don't take it offensively or anything :S
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    Bettas difficult to keep

    Bettas are extremely easy to care for if you buy the healthy ones. Mine is in a ten gallon all alone (will get more fish soon), and he is very active. At night when all the lights are off and only his tank light is on because I'm on the computer, he flares like mad and zips across the tank...
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    Vallis question

    Mine grew a baby val and I didn't even know it :blink:
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    be carefull when...

    I just used scissors :rolleyes: -_- :unsure:
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    first ever planted tank

    Awesome tank , I made my first also (still not done :rolleyes: ) and I think youre is very nice. I like the wood too.
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    Betta Bubble Nesting Contest Comeing Back

    I can judge :D
  37. L

    Mmmmmm ten gallon

    2x 11 watt compact fluorescent bulbs Yes I know it is yellowish, I was hoping for the whitish but it's not too big of a down to me.
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    Mmmmmm ten gallon

    I'm going to plant it as well as I can but with easier to maintain plants. The vallis next to the filter output, yes I considered that, and decided to place it around the wood, the background will look kind of "rounded" but it should be ok. I'll post pics when I do it if you don't understand.
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    A co2 question

    I've been reading about co2 injection. I've read many people who use diy co2 get slow bubbling rates like 1 bubble per minute. I think it would be more effective for me to connect an airline and blow into the tank for 5 minutes a day -_- :unsure: :lol:
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    Who needs TV?
