First planted tank :)


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I'm not good with the whole aquascaping thing so I just shoved them in there and crossed my fingers :look:

I think I'm going to put a tall piece of driftwood in the back infront of the filter intake since I can't put any val there. My poor fish must think they're swimming in coffee :rolleyes: . I can't wait for the Corkscrew val to grow :D. They have lots of runners and the Wendtii has a lot of new growth. Plus the bacopa is growing like mad. I've had the bacopa for about a month but I've noticed when the bacopa grows, the leaves at the bottom die off so it's just a stalk and new leaves grow at the top, is that normal?







I also got more java fern for my 8 gallon. What's with the one on the left? It has leaves that branch out off the same stalk, in a "W" shape. It's huge.

Now I just have to keep them alive :thumbs:
i think it looks awsome :nod:

well done :thumbs:

lol, in the 4th pic i was wondering what that thing was and then i figured it might be your finger :look:

very nice tank! :thumbs:

is that anubias in the 4th pic? if so it should be attached to driftwood or rock rather than planted in the gravel as this can rot the rhizome.
fishing line works well to attach it :)
Nice! I love the betta :) Oh and what cATFISh said but I preffer cotton string as it will naturaly decay as the plant takes hold. :)
Ohhh, thanks for telling me :*) I have a few little pieces of driftwood that might work.
It looks nice :thumbs:

You might want to move the vallis on the left to the back, and move the bushy stuff in front of the wood somewhere else in the middleground as its blocking the focal point, I would say. But this is only constructive criticism please don't take it offensively or anything :S
Thanks for the comments and ideas. No offense taken :p . This is not at all permanent, I just needed to get them in the tank. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing as far as aquascaping goes so any help is... helpful ;).

The problem is the Wisteria and the Wendtii is both are going to get taller and eventually block the driftwood either way, which I assume is what you meant by "focal point" so I'm not sure what to do about that. I want the vals to grow out and be a tall dark area in the front left corner, I'm not sure why... it's probably not a good idea to anyone who knows about aquascaping but I like it :fun: I'm getting more driftwood so maybe I can make a different "focal point" in the tank.
Auratus said:
Thanks for the comments and ideas. No offense taken :p . This is not at all permanent, I just needed to get them in the tank. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing as far as aquascaping goes so any help is... helpful ;).

The problem is the Wisteria and the Wendtii is both are going to get taller and eventually block the driftwood either way, which I assume is what you meant by "focal point" so I'm not sure what to do about that. I want the vals to grow out and be a tall dark area in the front left corner, I'm not sure why... it's probably not a good idea to anyone who knows about aquascaping but I like it :fun: I'm getting more driftwood so maybe I can make a different "focal point" in the tank.
Looks real good . :cool:
Many plants as they grow up toward the light/surface will have lower leaves die off , or not grow as well , or not at all , though with stronger light this may not happen , I've never had great lighting so my lower leaves don't do as well as the ones above .

If you post in the plants forum maybe Lateral can help you out with that question .

If you cut back the wisteria it may grow bushy , mine did when I lopped off the top .
:thumbs: looking good Jen. It's a shame the totms are not running, I'd nominate you.
keep it up and keep the pics comming. :)
Very nice! :thumbs: I can never keep vallis alive. :dunno: Hope you're better/ luckier at keeping plants than me. :p

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