Who needs TV?

George Farmer

ad aqua
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Stamford, Lincs, UK
Being very hungover from New Year's Eve festivities I found myself staring at my tank for 3 hours non-stop. Thought I'd share the view. Nowhere near as good as seeing it in the flesh but it gives you an idea.

Happy 2005 everyone :D Be balanced!!


  • 01jan05.JPG
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thats such an awsome tank :nod:

anymore pics? -_-

Excellent tank! How much lighting do you run, what ferts do you dose etc? :)
Thanks for the nice comments. Here's the spec;

Tank :
Juwel Rio 125 (32"x20"x14") 34 US gallon, 125 litre

Fish :
Pair of Silver Angels, 8 Cardinal Tetras, 8 Rummynose Tetras, 5 Otos, 2 Cory Julii, 2 Zebra Loach, 2 Siamese Algae Eaters

Plants :
Echinodorus bleheri, E. tenellus, Vallisneria torta var. rubra, Rotala indica, Hygrophila polysperma, H. stricta, Limnolphila sessilflora, Nymphaea japonicus, Cardimine lyrata, Microsorum pteropus, Vesicularia dubyana, Lysimachia nummularia, Eleocharis acicularis, Vallisneria spiralis

Water :
pH 6.8, GH 8, KH 4, N03 5 mg/l, PO4 0.25 mg/l, CO2 20 mg/l, Water change 20% per week 50:50 RO/tap.

Lighting :
2 x 24" 18w T8 Dennerle Special-Plant (3000K)
1 x 24" 18w T8 Arcadia Freshwater (7500K)
1 x 24" 20w T8 Hagen Life-Glo (6700K)
1 x 30" 25w T8 Dennerle Special-Plant (3000K)

99 Watts total - 3 Watts per Gallon
All with reflectors. 10 hour (5 on 2 off 5 on) photo-period (on two separate timers to simulate sunrise/sunset)

CO2 :
2 x Nutrafin units with DIY mix. approx 20 mg/l.

Fertilisation :
Dennerle S7, E15, V30. Pottasium Nitrate added to bring NO3 to 5 mg/l.

Filtration :
Juwel internal, Fluval 204 external filled with bio-media and RowaPhos. Outputs directed to avoid co2 loss. No carbon.

Substrate :
Fine (1 - 3mm) inert gravel with laterite mix.
25W Rena-Cor heater cable, comes on with lights.
I left my comments on the other forum. I'm sure you can figure out which one is me. ;)
that's a very nice tank, and what a great lighting set up. Defenitely in the competition class imo. Must be stunning in rl.
Echinodorus tennelus (Dwarf-chain sword/microsword). Needs at least 2 WPG I'd say, it needs iron and a nutritious substrate to do well and form a carpet. CO2 helps a lot too.
Why do you use 50/50 ro/water??

Do you add anything to this like ro right when topping up/changing? Is this the water combo you used when first starting.

I'm asking as I have an R/O system but keep getting feedback on here that RO shouldn't be used.

I was also wondering about rowa. I also have a few kg's of this & was wondering if it could be used on freshwater tanks.

Isn't phosphate good for plant growth??

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