Eggs r us


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
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cardiff uk
:D hey i woke up to seeing eggs had been laid on the front panel of the glass...... there was only a cluster of about 10 but most of them had been eaten and only managed to save 5 but what do i do now??? seen other clusters when i came home as i been out all day but they had been eaten :sad:

At the moment they are in one of them plastic breeder boxes with small slits in the bottom.... They are pretty small eggs.

Fish i have are below

Zebra Danios

The only possible specie it could be is my glowlights as i have a very fat female been like that for weeks [still is fat] and 2 males but they don't chase her around, they kinda hover in mid space.
It's almost definitely your cories from what I've read. Danios drop their eggs and your tetras will most likely not breed...they're very fussy... cories lay on the glass too. Remove the eggs with your finger or razor blade and put them in a different tank. I'm not too sure what to feed them though :S
Corydoras. Personally I would not bother trying to raise them; it takes 2 years for a corydoras to reach maturity. I would also make sure your temperature regulation is good; corydoras lay their eggs in response to a sudden drop in temperature.
why not bother keeping them if they are cories??? i would just say 2 years of fun.

Oh yeah-what kind of corys do you have?
Hi bigfish :)

It's getting so that whenever I see this question, I know right away that someone has corys! :lol:

This is a link to a thread with pictures of cory eggs. If they look like this, you might soon have some cory fry.

There is also information on that thread that will help you if you want to keep them.

BTW, what kind of corys do you have? :unsure:

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