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  1. idlefingers

    Oscar Info Please

    the pinned topic at the top of this forum answers all those questions the post in the species index is quite detailed, too..
  2. idlefingers

    What Would You Do ?

    I'd go for option 2..
  3. idlefingers


    Put some sand in a bucket (don't do too much sand at a time), fill with water and tip it the water out, repeat until the water your tipping out is clear. With stones, you don't need to soak them.. Rinse any debris off and pour some boiling water over them to kill anything. If you want to be...
  4. idlefingers

    Convicts With?

    What size is the tank?
  5. idlefingers

    Suprise Visitor In My Garden!

    I don't think any pheasants present would find that a pleasant present.
  6. idlefingers

    My Oscars Pictures

    Nice pics.. Beautiful oscars! What size are they?
  7. idlefingers

    What's The Best Way To Introduce A Female

    Cheers Gatorbait. :good: I'm glad I can put the male in first.. he's harassing my silver dollars at the moment! I'm going to be breeding them for feeders, so no worries about the prolific breeding! I'll be asking at the lfs if they're interested in each batch before I use them as feeders, though.
  8. idlefingers

    Breeding Oscars

    You should post this in the new world cichlid forum as oscars aren't livebearers. It's near impossible to sex oscars, so the best way is to get a group of young ones and a pair should form. Once that's happened, return the others to your lfs and you're rolling..
  9. idlefingers

    What's The Best Way To Introduce A Female

    I've set up a 200ltr tank to breed convicts in. I have a male black con ready to be moved over when it's cycled and want to ultimately get him to pair off with an albino con. I've seen some albinos at my lfs and was able to spot a couple of females though they were slightly smaller than him (but...
  10. idlefingers

    Salvinis Have Laid Eggs

    Congrats! Got any pics of them?? :hyper:
  11. idlefingers

    Large Pics Of My Jaguar Cichlid

    :drool: nice pics!
  12. idlefingers


    What's the stocking in the 65 with the oscar? Convicts don't grow as fast as oscars, so in a few months, he could be mouth-sized (or could not). Probably best to grow them out a bit first, but then it will get harder to introduce to the O.
  13. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    Some more pics: I didn't mean to get the pic of the silver dollar taking a poo but I thought it was funny.
  14. idlefingers

    Canister Filter

    Carbon needs to be replaced quite often but I'm not sure how often as I don't use it myself. The mechanical and biological media doesn't need replacing often at all. It just needs rinsing in tank water every month or two depending on your tanks stocking level to clean debris out. The filter...
  15. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    ssssshhhhhhh!! pretend you don't see it... ;) cheers for the kind comments..
  16. idlefingers

    L066 (update 1/9/07)

    Nice plecs :good:
  17. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    Got my moonlight installed yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with it. Awful pic though (including reflection of my computer screen on the left.. doh!)
  18. idlefingers

    Convict Compatibility

    I have no experience with Angelfish, so I don't know if they'll be okay but female cons do tend to be less aggressive than the males. I'd say you'd probably be okay with female cons and angelfish.. but don't take my word for it, it's just an assumption..
  19. idlefingers

    Tank Water Is Oily

    air stones attach to the air pump.. they disperse the bubbles into smaller ones, so you'd need a pump to have an air stone.
  20. idlefingers

    Tank Water Is Oily

    I'll second that. You could also just move the filter outlet to break the surface more if you dont want to buy an airstone or new filter. Adding more biological filtration will also help.
  21. idlefingers


    Sorry to hear about your oscar. Good luck with the treatment :good: Unless it says on the meds instructions not to feed, you should be fine to continue your normal routine. When you say they normally have lance fish, does that mean you're using feeder fish as the staple diet? If so, make...
  22. idlefingers

    Convict Grow Out

    I have to say I agree with vancouver here. Your original post asked "Would the 10 gal be suffecient to find me a breeding pair out of the 6?" and every response was on subject and regarding your question. You just weren't happy until someone came along saying "yes, it will be fine". At the end...
  23. idlefingers

    Convict Grow Out

    They grow fairly fast, so you've probably got a month or two before they get too big. When a pair forms (and there's nothing to say that a pair will form with ease or that only one pair will form), you're going to have to be quick to evict the others.
  24. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    Thanks guys! I use a digital SLR with a pretty nice lens. It's on auto focus, but then I use a manual override button to lock the focus in a spot, wait until the fish is in the right spot and that's it! It's easy with oscar but near impossible with the dollars! That one clear pic of the SD was...
  25. idlefingers

    Convict Grow Out

    6 cons in a 10g wont last long at all. Do you plan on taking 4 back when 2 pair off? If not, it's gonna get nasty. For a breeding pair, I think about 30g is minimum. And 6 cons in a 75-90 with an oscar and JD will be equally bad.
  26. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    A couple of Oscar. He's a right poser but is a bit pale because he's in a mood. The back of the tank's too clean and it's a bit mirror like. Needless to say, he doesn't like his own reflection! He has been spending a fair whack of time flaring at the back glass, though does seem to be doing it...
  27. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    Thanks! Nope, the radiator's been dead for years. There's another one on the other side of the room which does the trick, so we've just left it broken and switched off. I am a little worried about the sunlight, but it isn't on the tank for too long, so hopefully won't be an issue. We'll just...
  28. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    Here's some pics.. Just moved into living room. I don't look forward to ever moving this again. First cleaning.. Filled, Decorated and fished!.. Please forgive the hastily taken pics and messy room!
  29. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    I've moved him over and all seems fine so far.. no immediate aggression. The convict and oscar have swam up to each other a couple of times, but oscar does a little half-arsed flare and convict swims away accepting he's the less dominant one. I hope it stays that way!
  30. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    Yeah, I already have it and can always move it back if it doesn't work. I might just give it a try..
  31. idlefingers

    Tank Cleaning Around Plants

    try using a thin pipe to syphon the much out. the thinner it is, the better your aim will be and you'll disturb less, but it'll block quickly. Try to find a happy medium. When I had a planted tank, I used a 9mm pipe to syphon.
  32. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    My silver dollars are still fairly small, around 2".. the oscar's about 3-4". Do you think it'd be alright putting my male convict in there? He's about 2.5". I figure because he'll always be smaller than the oscar, he shouldn't pose a threat, but he can handle himself so shouldn't get bullied...
  33. idlefingers

    Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!

    I've filled my 135g tank this weekend and moved my small oscar and 8 small silver dollars with 2 cycled filters in. I was expecting it all to be a right pain (decorating, filling and moving everything over) but it went pretty smoothly and I'm pretty pleased with the result. I'll take a pic...
  34. idlefingers

    Jack Dempsey In 55 Gal?

    If the JD's claimed his territory, it might be a risk trying to add a Severum. Maybe with some re-arranging of the decorations to break JD's territory first, but it still could end in bloodshed. They won't have much room to get away from each other in a 55...
  35. idlefingers

    Salvinis Have Laid Eggs

    According to my book, the fry should hatch within 3 days and will take newly hatched brine shrimp and powdered food. It also says it's advisable to remove the fry from the parents and also to split the parents as the male will want to breed straight away afterwards and the female won't be ready...
  36. idlefingers

    65 Ltr Tank

    :hi: Looks good :good: it has a nice riverbed look to it
  37. idlefingers

    Oscars Eating Habits

    my silver dollars love the fact my oscar's messy when eating.. the hang around him and eat the stuff he spits everywhere!
  38. idlefingers

    Temperature Rising

    I've seen some people put PC fans into the hood to extract air and create circulation. Also, shortening the amount of time the lights are on would help stop it getting quite as hot. Or try cutting some vents to let a little steam out..
  39. idlefingers

    Gravel Depth

    it depends if you want to keep live plants.. if not, it can be about 1 - 1.5".
  40. idlefingers

    Anyone Keep Salvini's?

    I've had one for a couple of months now. He's currently about 3" in a 33g with a Convict and a Bristlenose soon to move into a 52g. He seems to get on quite well at the min with the convict, but he's definitely the boss. I tried to move him into my 52g tank a few weeks back with a green terror...