Temperature Rising


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2006
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The temp in my tropical tank has gone up from 26 to 28 today, it is not the heater thats the problem its down to the warmer weather.

The tank is lit with two 39 watt tubes and a 38watt t8 tube (so there is a fair bit off heat produced in the hood)

Is this rise in temp anything to be worried about and if so is there an easy way of keeping the temp down a little?

Thanks in advance Gordon
Hi m8 were is the tank placed, Is it getting direct sun light?
This can also make the tank temp rise.
If the tank is getting enough natural light then cut down on the time u put the lights on.This helps me through the summer months.
I've seen some people put PC fans into the hood to extract air and create circulation. Also, shortening the amount of time the lights are on would help stop it getting quite as hot. Or try cutting some vents to let a little steam out..
Yes the tank does get sunlight on it, but can not put the tank anywhere else as it is 4 foot and where it is placed in the only wall space for the tank, thanks for the tips guys may try the fan idea had thought about doing that.

Getting the pc fans is no problem wheres the best place to get the power supplys for them.

Also the tank is planted, i have the lights on for 4 hours off for two then back on for 5

Cheers Gordon
The sunlight may become an even bigger problem. Tanks in direct sunlight are very susceptible to algae build up (especially the dreaded blue-green algae) and green water.
In an emergency situation you can add ice inside freezer bags etc. to the tank and let them float on top.

For a more long term situation, like mentioned, fans work good. just make sure you don't have any fish that are jumpers before you leave your top open for long periods.
Another thing to keep in mind is that higher temperatures mean lower oxygen levels so keep and eye on your fish. If they start hanging aroound the top and gasping for air, you probably will need to add some airstones.

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