Finally Got My 135g Tank Up And Running!


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2007
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I've filled my 135g tank this weekend and moved my small oscar and 8 small silver dollars with 2 cycled filters in. I was expecting it all to be a right pain (decorating, filling and moving everything over) but it went pretty smoothly and I'm pretty pleased with the result. I'll take a pic tonight when it's dark outside.

Anyway, I'm contemplating adding another fish or two in a few weeks when I know everything's settled but as usual, am having difficulties deciding whether or not to do so.

Right now it looks a little empty, but I know pretty soon it's going to be much fuller when everyone grows up. So if I do add something else, it won't be much.

I'm thinking perhaps getting a few more silver dollars but then I worry that they may have an overpowering presence in the tank when they're larger as they already go into a frenzy at feeding time.

A plec is another option, but I don't really want that level of poo added on top of the oscar!

I would love to put another cichlid in there, but I don't want the aggression involved and so keep straying away from that thought, too.

So I keep reverting to thinking leave it as it is... What to do, what to do??
Are your silver dollars fully grown.They are very fast growers and grow an average of 5 inches.I would add a heavy armoured catfish like this- .Or some kind of pleco.In time you could add a few more silver dollars or another cichlid (if the oscar is ok with other fish) on top of this imo.
My silver dollars are still fairly small, around 2".. the oscar's about 3-4".

Do you think it'd be alright putting my male convict in there? He's about 2.5". I figure because he'll always be smaller than the oscar, he shouldn't pose a threat, but he can handle himself so shouldn't get bullied.. do you agree?
Do you already have the convict? If you have it in another tank, you can always add it with the oscar see if they get on, if they don't remove the convict to the other tank again.
Yeah, I already have it and can always move it back if it doesn't work. I might just give it a try..
I've moved him over and all seems fine so far.. no immediate aggression. The convict and oscar have swam up to each other a couple of times, but oscar does a little half-arsed flare and convict swims away accepting he's the less dominant one. I hope it stays that way!
I've moved him over and all seems fine so far.. no immediate aggression. The convict and oscar have swam up to each other a couple of times, but oscar does a little half-arsed flare and convict swims away accepting he's the less dominant one. I hope it stays that way!

you may see abit of fighting, as they will be establishing each others terrotories. but when they have there 1st squabble dont remove the con, leave it, watch them for around 2 weeks, if nothing serious happens then i reckon they will live happily for the rest of there life, Also, i think you may be able to add something like a blue acara, firemouth or even a parrot fish for abit of colour.
Here's some pics..

Just moved into living room. I don't look forward to ever moving this again.

First cleaning..

Filled, Decorated and fished!..


Please forgive the hastily taken pics and messy room!
Some hoplo cats would be good additions, because they have enough armor to withstand the cichlids and they get large enough not to really be distrubed. They also eat any uneaten food that the cichlids miss (which is a lot!) and they have a lot of character.
Nice tank :drool: Wait 4 months and those silver dollars will be almsot adult!
The tank looks AMAZING - well done.

However... do you use that radiator? :unsure:
The tank looks AMAZING - well done.

However... do you use that radiator? :unsure:


Nope, the radiator's been dead for years. There's another one on the other side of the room which does the trick, so we've just left it broken and switched off.

I am a little worried about the sunlight, but it isn't on the tank for too long, so hopefully won't be an issue. We'll just have to keep the curtain slightly closed if it is!!

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