

New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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hello i got to convicts one's about 2 inches and the other 1.5. they are both in a 10 gal right now and i have an oscar 6 in ina 65 gal with a couple little fish no bigger then 3 inches what are my chances of my convicts lasting if i just put them in there?
Problem. CHECK YOUR WATER PARAMETERS! Although I only got into fish in August, I know more than I could possibly Imagine. If the waters chemicals are close enough, you technically could. unfortunately, your Astronaumus Ocellatasprobably does not. If he is six inches, and the largest convict is two, he will become a jailhouse chili :drool: . Oscar mouths open larger than you might expect. So please don't tempt your Oscar :hey:
well right now in with my oscar i got fish that are really small and i got about 3-4 the same size as my small convict. and he is not all that active kinda lazy you could say lol
What's the stocking in the 65 with the oscar?

Convicts don't grow as fast as oscars, so in a few months, he could be mouth-sized (or could not). Probably best to grow them out a bit first, but then it will get harder to introduce to the O.
well right now i have about 4 fish mouth size in there now and he has not touched them so.. lol i dont know
i kept oscars a few years ago and found that while still of a young age and size thay can be fairly happy with smaller tank mates but once adult size either single or kept as a pair i lost all my smaller tank mates to there ever growing appetite once they got a taste fo the live fish all the smaller ones became lunch in a very short time id keep the oscar by himself o maybe with another oscar and a heather gard or one that goes in the filter.
1 oscar already has your 65 stocked full... adding more fish isn't what you need to be doing.

Then again, keeping convicts in a 10g isn't smart to be doing either.

Doesn't sound like you have the tankspace for the fish you currently have :crazy:
1 oscar already has your 65 stocked full... adding more fish isn't what you need to be doing.

Then again, keeping convicts in a 10g isn't smart to be doing either.

Doesn't sound like you have the tankspace for the fish you currently have :crazy:
A while ago I bought 2 oscars for my 30 gal tank they where about the size of a quarter a short time later a friend gave 6 small convicts only a 2 made it and they keep having babys to get to the point the oscars are about 10x there size and the oscars dont bother them actualy the convicts back the oscars off.dont know if thats right but thats what I have.
A 30g isn't big enough for half an oscar.

Doesn't seem like you really care though..

Yeah, ditto to this. Sheesh..

I have my Oscar and a pleco in a 55 until this weekend. I just bought a 75 for them that will be set up this weekend, replacing thei rold tank. Oscars need LOTS of room, plain and simple. And, if you give the Oscar more room, they really flourish into very nice fish. Mine will, practically, maul my hand with love when I put my hand in the tank...and that's to clean it, which he hates. If I just put my hand in there alone...he's still all over it with love. It's amazing...I've never seen an animal as sweet as my O.

And my convicts are getting the same way...and there's 4 of them. LOL They live, happily, in a 40 gallon.

And honestly....I wouldn't put convicts with them. I saw a youtube about convicts backing a jaguar cichlid.... in fact.. (searching)




Watch those three and tell me that convicts won't push around something bigger than they are. :crazy:

I love my Convicts and my Oscar. But, I would never put them in a tank together.
we have 4 oscars and 2 convicts in our 800 (english) litre tank and they do not bother one another, but you know your oscar better than anyone else, you know its nature, some oscars are alot tamer than others, but personally if you do add the convicts to the oscars tank, then i would really think about getting a bigger tank, as when adult size they are VERY large fish and will not have enough swimming room

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