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  1. J

    Hand Made Clay Decorations

    Just checked with my good lady wife and she reckons they are no problem at all. What i would say is give me the measurement you want and im sure we can make them almost to the exact size give or take a few milimetres. Be patient - she just told me that next week is inspection week but after...
  2. J

    Hand Made Clay Decorations

    Send me a link to what it looks like and we can sort something out...
  3. J

    Hand Made Clay Decorations

    Hey Guys My wife is an Art teacher and has recently got a new job with access to a kiln. She is trained in ceramics and made me the odd item for the aquarium. I thought they looked much better than anything resin made from the LFS and it was made exactly how i wanted it. Anyway, now that...
  4. J

    Is This Enough To Keep Simple Planted Tank?

    Cool - many thanks for your help Standby. :good:
  5. J

    Is This Enough To Keep Simple Planted Tank?

    I think im OK stocking wise....... 10 White cloud minnows 2 bristlenose catfish 2 amano shrimp (i know, copper could be dangerous but doses in these ferts are supposed to be ok) 6 rummy noses 3 X ray tetras 3 blue tetras 2 black widow tetras 1 Yoyo Loach do you think the Seachem Flourish alone...
  6. J

    Is This Enough To Keep Simple Planted Tank?

    Its a single standard Arcadia 'Classica' 30" flourescent tube. If that helps oh and 25 watts i think.
  7. J

    Is This Enough To Keep Simple Planted Tank?

    I've always struggled to keep a planted tank going for long. To be honest its my own fault, i have bought a few plants and they have started off quite well but then soon struggled and died. I have never used a fertiliser so i dont spose that helped either! I have standard tank lighting which...
  8. J

    Live Food From My Garden

    Thanks Rex - i've just done it! But was a bit concerned cos the water but has lots of dirty bits floating on top which got mixed in with the net. I transferred what i had in my net to some tank water in a shallow jar then with a teaspoon put in the lavae! Pretty slow and long winded but cant...
  9. J

    Live Food From My Garden

    Hi I have a water butt in my garden, nothing special it just collects rain water from the gutters. The last few days when i have gone to fill my watering can, i have noticed that there are millions of mosquito lavae swimming about, the kind which i gather are ideal food for my fish. I would...
  10. J

    Using Oyster Shells In Tropical Tank

    Went to a fish restaurant and we had oysters and i kept back a couple of shells to put in my community aquarium tank. They have been soaking in hot water for a bit and i intend to give them a good clean but just wanted to check that they wont cause any issue in my tank. Maybe a silly question...
  11. J

    Nerite Snails

    Hiya :) Looking for a Nerite snail, just wondered if anyone was overrun with them and wanted to sell. They have them in my LFS at £2.50 each, but would rather buy from here if possible. I'm in Broxbourne, Herts could collect if local enough or can be posted. Jimmy
  12. J

    Assassin Snails Wont Breed!

    Do you mean do i have the MTS and assassins in the same tank? Yes I do. The overfeeding certainly hasnt helped with mine, but im a bit disinclined to raise the teamp to 27c. Its been 24c since day one and i've had very little problems with the tank in over 7 years, so not keen on changing the...
  13. J

    Assassin Snails Wont Breed!

    Hiya Had these blinding little snails for over six months but there are no babies! Got four in the tank and they do a great job and look cool but i cant seem to get them to breed....The MTS breed like its out of fashion, so why dont these beauts do the same??? Tank temp is around 24c... Any...
  14. J

    Will Mts Eat Apple Snail Poo?

    Malaysian Trumpet Snails :good:
  15. J

    Anentome Helena Or Assassin Snails Wanted

    Hi Just read some articles about this snail and wondered if anyone had any to sell? Let me know Cheers.
  16. J

    Mome Made Fish Food Recipe

    Just so u know - they blimmin well loved the food!!!!! And it didnt just melt away in the water - it held itself together even when defrosted. The blue tetras when balistico for it....!!! :good:
  17. J

    Mome Made Fish Food Recipe

    Thanks everso much - will be making fish food tonite!
  18. J

    Mome Made Fish Food Recipe

    Oh - i have some Multi Vits (for humans) at home. Is it worth crushing one of these up in the mixture or would that do more harm than good?
  19. J

    Mome Made Fish Food Recipe

    Thanks guys gonna give it a go.... :good:
  20. J

    Mome Made Fish Food Recipe

    Wow sounds cool and easy. Any chance you could let me know what amounts you have used (e.g how many prawns to how much spincah and how big a lump of garlic you put in??) Also, were they prawns already peeled or did u use the whole prawn blended up.... :sick: :rolleyes: Thanks for this...
  21. J

    Mome Made Fish Food Recipe

    Hi guys Anyone have any simple home made food recipes for your community tropical fish? Searched on Web but many looked a bit complex - just something simple with meat and veg that would be palatable and healthy to my fish? Any ideas much appreciated.
  22. J

    Wildwoods New Owners

    Went in there yesterday and some familiar faces but not as many staff as before. Could be in transition still - got my custom made tank from them - have always been really nice.
  23. J

    Levamisole - Treating For Camellanus

    Did the same here with same article from Mr Harrison and worked a treat - still have a tonne of the Levamisole stuff under the tank as its usually used in cattle and the doses are massively higher. But didnt lose any fish either. Have copies of the docs if ever anyone needs them.
  24. J

    Suggestions As To What Fish Next To Add.....

    Well they are all healthy and happy so not sure about the overstocked comment but thanks anyway.
  25. J

    Suggestions As To What Fish Next To Add.....

    Guys Pretty happy with my 150ltrs tank but always looking for new ideas as to what to add next. My signature shows what I already got so wondered if any of you experienced people would have suggestions as new tank mates. Would rather have some more bottom dwellers but not sure what would go...
  26. J

    Using Bamboo But Need A Safe Varnish....?

    OK - didnt get any replies but ive found a solution in case anyone else is interested. Gonna use "G4 Pond Sealant", spoke to the people that actually make the stuff and its fine to use. Need to rub the bamboo down a bit to make a key for the stuff to grip to. Then add at least 3 coats...
  27. J

    Disappearing Fish

    Also always struggled with neons. All other fish are fine but the neons just dont last. I'm guessing as they are so common they arent bred as well as they should be.... Might be wrong but i just cant buy them anymore knowing i'll be fishing them out within months.... -_-
  28. J

    Using Bamboo But Need A Safe Varnish....?

    Hi I'm gonna create some bamboo ornaments inside my tank but have read that i need to coat the bamboo cane with a polyeurathane varnish otherwise they will rot in the water. However, i need avarnish that contains no additives that could harm the fish (usual yacht varnish does contain harmul...
  29. J

    Feeding Fish - Homemade Etc...

    Cheers Colin Just flicked thru one of my aquarium books and it has said that i should not feed earthworms directly as they have sand (no idea where this comes from) in their intestinal tract and they should be left in a box for this to pass thru them. But it doesnt say whether they need to be...
  30. J

    Feeding Fish - Homemade Etc...

    Guys Keeping tropical fish is a hobby right? Well, I love my fish but im pretty bored with feeding them stuff i can buy over the counter. So, i wanna try and make it more fun by creating my own food. Looked on the web for home made tropical fish recipes and its all a bit hit and miss so just...
  31. J

    Replacing Old Filter With New One.....

    cheers puff, was thinkin about cutting the old sponges to fit. Might cut a circle out of new square filter and push in circle of old filter. Might help to spread the bacteria quicker. cheers again
  32. J

    Peeing In The Fish Tank ?

    People are literally takin the "piss" but it does work. I couldnt find ammonia for a while, and the stuff i di find foamed up or had perfumes which meant they possibly had other chemicals mixed in which would be harmful. So i peed in a plastic bottle and added to tank. If u have no other...
  33. J

    Peeing In The Fish Tank ?

    Mate dont laugh - i did it using pee........!!! Worked a treat, tho turned the water a yucky yellow.... :sick: I did manage to find some household ammonia eventually but for the first few days it was pee! And all the readings with teh test kits were as expected.
  34. J

    Replacing Old Filter With New One.....

    Guys My old external filter is not working too well so I've bought a new one. The old one was a round Eheim Ecco whereas the new one is a square Aquapro filter. I'm worried the new filter is will recycle the tank as the sponges will be new and all my bacteria is on the old round sponges. Any...
  35. J

    Is My External Filter On Its Way Out?

    Guys Not good - gave it a good clean up but still flow rate is low. One thing i did notice is the little white ball that is inside the plastic red housing that is under one of the inlet holes is starting to break up a little bit. Sorry i have no idea what this is actually called but could the...
  36. J

    Is My External Filter On Its Way Out?

    I'll give it a good going over tonite - it is my only filter. I feel loathed to change the sponges when they seem fine and are nicely choc full of bacteria. :) I'll give me a good clean up and see if it helps. Might take the filter wool off to see if that makes any difference and just use...
  37. J

    Is My External Filter On Its Way Out?

    Yeah - cleaned it all out. Impellor, sponges all the bits that can come apart. It works fine for a day or two and then just loses power. I'm not sure what kind of warranty comes with these things. My mind seems to recall a 5 year warranty so I'll have to check my old paper work - but im...
  38. J

    Is My External Filter On Its Way Out?

    Guys Got an Eheim Ecco external filter which has been running fine since purchased in 2003. However, recently after having given the sponges a good clean, connected it all up and got it going - but within 2/3 days the water being pumped back into the tank is slowing down and is not much more...
  39. J

    Advice On Getting Rummy Nose Tetras

    Yep Wolf ur right. Wildwoods in Enfield said they get them now and again but not too often. Said only way would be to ring up each week to see if they come in on a delivery... :( Might take a while...