Assassin Snails Wont Breed!

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

Had these blinding little snails for over six months but there are no babies! Got four in the tank and they do a great job and look cool but i cant seem to get them to breed....The MTS breed like its out of fashion, so why dont these beauts do the same???

Tank temp is around 24c...

Any ideas?


Had these blinding little snails for over six months but there are no babies! Got four in the tank and they do a great job and look cool but i cant seem to get them to breed....The MTS breed like its out of fashion, so why dont these beauts do the same???

Tank temp is around 24c...

Any ideas?


when i saw a few baby assasin snails appear from mine my temp was at about 27c at the time
I have to ask, you don't have both snails togther?

and apparently they'll breed if you overfeed your fish slightly
I have to ask, you don't have both snails togther?

and apparently they'll breed if you overfeed your fish slightly

Do you mean do i have the MTS and assassins in the same tank? Yes I do.

The overfeeding certainly hasnt helped with mine, but im a bit disinclined to raise the teamp to 27c. Its been 24c since day one and i've had very little problems with the tank in over 7 years, so not keen on changing the parameters.

Maybe i've got the ones that arent interested!!!
I have to ask, you don't have both snails togther?

and apparently they'll breed if you overfeed your fish slightly

Do you mean do i have the MTS and assassins in the same tank? Yes I do.

The overfeeding certainly hasnt helped with mine, but im a bit disinclined to raise the teamp to 27c. Its been 24c since day one and i've had very little problems with the tank in over 7 years, so not keen on changing the parameters.

Maybe i've got the ones that arent interested!!!

there's why you don't see and babies.

Assassin snails eat other snails I'm afraid!

Remove them / seperate the two and you may find your MTS will breed :good:
I think they want to breed the assassin snails, not the MTS. I've heard assassins need a male and a female, maybe you only have all males or females?

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