Using Bamboo But Need A Safe Varnish....?

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

I'm gonna create some bamboo ornaments inside my tank but have read that i need to coat the bamboo cane with a polyeurathane varnish otherwise they will rot in the water.

However, i need avarnish that contains no additives that could harm the fish (usual yacht varnish does contain harmul addtives).

So, living in the UK - anyone have any idea which varnish i can go buy that is safe to use? If i go into Homebase and ask i know i ma gonna get a blank look from the assistant!!!

Much appreciated.

OK - didnt get any replies but ive found a solution in case anyone else is interested.

Gonna use "G4 Pond Sealant", spoke to the people that actually make the stuff and its fine to use.

Need to rub the bamboo down a bit to make a key for the stuff to grip to. Then add at least 3 coats (quite easy as the stuff is liquid and i can actually just dip them without needing to use a brush). Each coat can be applied as soon as previous coat has gone tacky.

Then need to wait for the stuff to completely cure. Bloke said at least 72hrs but i will leave it longer to be safe. He said to give it a good sniff before u decide to put it in water. if you can smell even the slightest smell then its not ready.

Anyway - hope this helps.
Nice piece of info, cheers for posting :good:
I have several peices of bamboo in one of my aquariums. I've had it in there for atleast 9 months, and I've never coated it in anything. It grows just fine. I just wish i knew how to trim bamboo.

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