Hand Made Clay Decorations

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK
Hey Guys

My wife is an Art teacher and has recently got a new job with access to a kiln. She is trained in ceramics and made me the odd item for the aquarium. I thought they looked much better than anything resin made from the LFS and it was made exactly how i wanted it.

Anyway, now that she has access to a kiln im goin to try and get her to make a few things and wondered if people on here would be interested. The material is usually the red clay type stuff (im no expert) same as what a ceramic garden pot is made of. When i first put one of the items in my tank it looked proper bright orange but once it 'weathered' over a few weeks it looks great.

So, if anybody is keen on a hand made ornament to your specification just send me a message on here with a drawing or a photo and i see what the boss says! Please bear in mind complexity and size (especially with postage issues) and we can work out an acceptable price.

Hope this is ok to post on here, ive posted a photo or two of what i have in my tanks, just a bespoke cavern with some holes in the right areas but like i said, its clay so any shape you specifically want is fine.

Send me a link to what it looks like and we can sort something out...


like this,if the Triangle one is difficult to do

but would also like them 6mm larger inside aswell

Send me a link to what it looks like and we can sort something out...


like this,if the Triangle one is difficult to do

but would also like them 6mm larger inside aswell

I would also be interested in some plec type caves
May I suggest cylindrical shaped ones but bottom flat to prevent roll
Just checked with my good lady wife and she reckons they are no problem at all.

What i would say is give me the measurement you want and im sure we can make them almost to the exact size give or take a few milimetres.

Be patient - she just told me that next week is inspection week but after that she will have plenty of time so if you can be patient.

Looking at the prices on ebay would £5.00 (plus p+p which i will go check out for you) be acceptable for each cave?
Just checked with my good lady wife and she reckons they are no problem at all.

What i would say is give me the measurement you want and im sure we can make them almost to the exact size give or take a few milimetres.

Be patient - she just told me that next week is inspection week but after that she will have plenty of time so if you can be patient.

Looking at the prices on ebay would £5.00 (plus p+p which i will go check out for you) be acceptable for each cave?

£5 inc postage sounds better.lol

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