Mome Made Fish Food Recipe

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK
Hi guys

Anyone have any simple home made food recipes for your community tropical fish?

Searched on Web but many looked a bit complex - just something simple with meat and veg that would be palatable and healthy to my fish?

Any ideas much appreciated.
prawn and spinach, blend them together, freeze them in ice cube trays the drop one into the tank at a time :good:

can add a little garlic too, it's really good at boosting a fish's immune system.

shouldn't be a staple food but i've found it a good way to get fish to eat their greens when they've not wanted too!!!
Wow sounds cool and easy.

Any chance you could let me know what amounts you have used (e.g how many prawns to how much spincah and how big a lump of garlic you put in??) Also, were they prawns already peeled or did u use the whole prawn blended up.... :sick: :rolleyes:

Thanks for this so, helpful!!!
peeled cooked prawns so you just have the flesh, typical of my quantities when i've done it i've used 'some' of each and it'll have varied every single time. :rolleyes:

most likely i'll have used one pack of prawns and 1 pack of spinach then a small clove of garlic, something like that.

it depends what fish you have really, do they ned a high protein or a high vegetable content in their food?
Making your own fish food mixture can prove financially sound in the long run, especially if you want to give your fish something else than a diet consisting of cheap flakes only. The cost of the food will naturally depend on which type of ingredients you use and how low a price you manage to obtain them for. One of the main reasons why aquarists start to make their own fish food is however not money; it is the appeal of gaining full control over what you give your fish. In some cases, aquarists have even managed to invent special blends that will coax reluctant fish species into spawning in captivity.

good post reeta

although you don't have to make your own to avoid using cheap flakes, there's a wide variety of good processed food's out there and most fish shops will sell meaty treats like daphnia, bloodworm etc

any fish needs a varied diet though, so I tend to use high quality flake/pellet/granule type foods and supplement them with frozen meaty and vegetable stuff both shop bought and stuff like the recipie above. :good:
If you look on the side of any packet of fish foodyou will see the main ingredient is.... FISH.
so if you pop up to your local supermarcket and find what fish is going cheap that day, and blend it with. some veg, i found spinach to be good as it is fairly neutricious for what it is, simply blend the fish up so its small chunks, depending on the size of your fish. ( after cooking it, and avoid oily fish) finely shred some spinach and then mix and freeze....

its great!
Oh - i have some Multi Vits (for humans) at home. Is it worth crushing one of these up in the mixture or would that do more harm than good?
nope, i've been advised to do that before but what i did was dissolve the multi-vits and then soak pellet food in the solution before adding it to the tank. was told to get liquid multi vits but couldn't get any so had to compromise!!

but you can certainly use human multi-vits sucessfully and safely :good:
Just so u know - they blimmin well loved the food!!!!!

And it didnt just melt away in the water - it held itself together even when defrosted.

The blue tetras when balistico for it....!!!


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