Is My External Filter On Its Way Out?

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

Got an Eheim Ecco external filter which has been running fine since purchased in 2003. However, recently after having given the sponges a good clean, connected it all up and got it going - but within 2/3 days the water being pumped back into the tank is slowing down and is not much more than a trickle.

Gave it another clean up and put it back on - again fine for a couple of days but now the water going back in is really slow flowing again.

Everything is still original apart from the top layer of filter wool which i change every couple months or so. The filter sponges also are in great condition so havent changed them - just the odd gunk clean up every now and again.

Not sure if the pump is losing power or could it be something else? There arent any blockages in the system, it just doesnt seem to pump the water round as fast flowing as before....

Any ideas?
have you cleaned out the impellor?

not sur ehow to on your particular model but they can eventually get clogged up and need cleaning out once in a while.
Yeah - cleaned it all out. Impellor, sponges all the bits that can come apart.

It works fine for a day or two and then just loses power. I'm not sure what kind of warranty comes with these things. My mind seems to recall a 5 year warranty so I'll have to check my old paper work - but im pretty concerned cos if it stops completely overnight i'm worried I'll damage or kill my little fishes...

Theres really not a lot that CAN go wrong with them, there is no "motor" as such, if the impellor is spinning at all, then I would suspect a blockage somewhere... is this your only filter ? If you have another, I'd try running it without media - it could be the media need replacing... failing that run it without the top white filter, thats the one thats going to clog up first. (i replace mine at every clean - every few months)
Have you checked the pipes for kinks, gunk, dead fish etc ? (dont forget the taps)
Good luck, please let us know if you suss it ?
I'll give it a good going over tonite - it is my only filter. I feel loathed to change the sponges when they seem fine and are nicely choc full of bacteria. :)

I'll give me a good clean up and see if it helps. Might take the filter wool off to see if that makes any difference and just use the 3 sponges in the canister.

Bleedin annoying this - so do filters normally just stop working when they pack up as opposed to a gradual loss of performance???

Cheers guys.

Not good - gave it a good clean up but still flow rate is low.

One thing i did notice is the little white ball that is inside the plastic red housing that is under one of the inlet holes is starting to break up a little bit. Sorry i have no idea what this is actually called but could the fact that this white ball is no longer nice and smooth affect the rate the water comes out??

Any info appreciated...

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