Levamisole - Treating For Camellanus

I'm confused by all the maths.
90mg of Levamisole HCL will treat 10 gallons with a 2 ppm concentration.
Are you seeing any dead worms in the tank.

levamisole doesn't kill the worms, it paralyzes them which is why gravel cleaning needs to be done
My main issue isnt the worms at the moment, its that the fish are still not eating. I'm beginning to think i shouldnt have used the levamisole!
The death count stands at 2 neons and 2 guppies so far. I am really concerned that this med will take my entire tank out. Fish still eating - they attempt to, but then spit the food back out. Water stats are otherwise fine. What else can i do?
Looks like my tank is going to be wiped out soon as well. In the last 3 days I've lost 3 platties, 2 guppies, 3 loaches and 1 cory. I have no idea what is wrong. Really frustrating

Looks like my tank is going to be wiped out soon as well. In the last 3 days I've lost 3 platties, 2 guppies, 3 loaches and 1 cory. I have no idea what is wrong. Really frustrating

Oh and I forgot 2 neons as well :(
That med you used it meant to boost the fish immune system aswell.
How are the fish now, you could squeeze some garlic in there flakes to boost there appetite.

Once a fish is infested with internal worms they don't usually make it anyway as the damage been done.
Neons don't seem to tolerate parasite meds to well.
After checking the levels i realised that the ammonia reading had jumped to 2ppm - hence the 2 guppies and 2 neon deaths. I did 3 x 80% water changes the other day to get the levels down and stopped feeding. Levels seemed to have returned to normal and most of the fish are eating. Will keep an eye on them.

If anyone is planning on using this med - definitely keep an eye on the ammonia/nitrite levels

Thanks for all your help Wilder
Glad there back to normal bless them.
I have had to do this once back in 2003 and I got livacide IP from an online vet shop. Since you have already done this now so no point :) But I did not have any casualty but ofcourse I had a re-cycle in the tank which was expected. I followed a document from Charles H harrison and did the calculations based on the livacide I had. Fish were slightly stressed but not enough and after 24 hrs I did a complete substrate change, filter media change and washed out the tank in the garden with hot water :sick: I did have a very severe infestation in almost all of my fish. Most of them are still with me though :rolleyes:

To test if my dose was right I first treated a group of tiger barbs.. first go I got the dosage a bit too high I suppose and the barbs had completely lost it. It was like they had no swim bladder left and did not know what is top and bottom. I moved them immidiatly to another tank with fresh water and they recovered completely in about an hour.

I must say I did follow everything in this document and it worked well :) Never ever had a problem after it but since I had bought 1 Litre of livasimol hydrochloride, it expired in 2006 so had to go down the drain :(

If you want I can attach the document I have.

Did the same here with same article from Mr Harrison and worked a treat - still have a tonne of the Levamisole stuff under the tank as its usually used in cattle and the doses are massively higher.

But didnt lose any fish either.

Have copies of the docs if ever anyone needs them.
Thanks to all those people who have helped on this topic. One of my angels is now showing signs of the worms again. I'm reluctant to medicate the whole tank with levacide again. Could i just take the angels out and med in a hospital tank, or is it likely that all my fish will have the worms if the angel is showing signs???
What does levaimsole treat besides camallanous worms.
I would think of using a stronger dose.
It only treats worms as far as i can tell. The dose i used was as per the article that previous members have mentioned in this post - although i think this may have been a little high. If one angel has camellanus, then will all the fish?
Also a fish only has to suck another fish poo up and it can also pass on that way too.
Sometimes you have to retreat if the parasites are egg layers, so you kill the adults with the first hit, then you have to retreat to kill the young parasites to stop the cycle.
Tell you the dose on here.
<a href="http://www.pets-warehouse.com/Fishmed2.htm" target="_blank">http://www.pets-warehouse.com/Fishmed2.htm</a>

Have you tryed this med.
Metronidazole 4 mg/L for 3 to 4 days Hexamita change water with each treatment. Poorly soluble

Written by tolak.
250mg/20 gallons of water isn't going to do much. I treat with 40mg/gallon metro, with some sprinkled on the food. I've treated a couple dozen angels successfully using this method;

Put the angel in a quar tank, I usually use a 10 gallon. Increase the temp over a day or so to 90-94F. Treat daily with 40 mg/gallon metronidazole, with 50% water changes daily. If the fish isn't eating, don't feed for the first 3 days. After 3 days, get some frozen brine shrimp. Take a portion about the size of a few match heads, and sprinkle on some metro. You have to eyeball this one, make the shrimp look kind of like a tiny powdered donut. Once it thaws, mix it in & feed. Sometimes they still don't eat for a few days, but once they start to mouth the food & spit it out, the meds seem to get in their system real good. Continue medicating the water & food for 7-10 days.

Metronidazole is sold as flagyl, het-a-mit, and a few other names I can't recall offhand, used to treat hexamita & hole in the head. They usually suggest 20mg/gallon, this often isn't enough. Metro deteriorates in 8 hours, so you could do twice daily water changes. I've done this on the weekends when I have time.

Don't let the high temp scare you, angels can handle higher than that. I've had them as high as 98 due to a broken heater. Just make sure to have only angels in the tank at that temp. Make sure to have plenty of aeration also, as warmer water holds less O2.

I've also added epsom salt while using metro, this helps with any constipation issues, cleans out the digestive tract. I start with 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons of water, increasing by 1 teaspoon daily for 2 more days to bring it up to 3 teaspoons per 10 gallons. You will have to adjust how much you use when doing water changes. You may want to give this a try.

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