Replacing Old Filter With New One.....

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

My old external filter is not working too well so I've bought a new one. The old one was a round Eheim Ecco whereas the new one is a square Aquapro filter.

I'm worried the new filter is will recycle the tank as the sponges will be new and all my bacteria is on the old round sponges.

Any advice on what I should do that could help transfer some of the old bacteria to new filter?

Tank is around 150 litres.

I dont have the plug sockets to have them both running for a while.

Should I, if poss, continue to use the original tubes which may be home to bacteria or will this not help much?

Any advice on makin a succesful chageover is appreciated.
Try taking some filter fiber wet it and wipe the sides of the old filter to try and collect as much bacteria as you can then put in the new filter. Also you you try to cut up the old filter media if you can and put it int the new filter. You can try to use the hoses if you want, every little bit will help.
Just cut up your media from the old filter and add it to the new one. You should also feed lightly for the first week so you don't add even more bio-load to it.
cheers puff, was thinkin about cutting the old sponges to fit. Might cut a circle out of new square filter and push in circle of old filter.

Might help to spread the bacteria quicker.

cheers again

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